Is there any way to disable Fcheck in maya ? Im using 2015 now. And its frustrating when clicking edit below texture location texture opens in Fcheck instead in Photoshop
Any idea ? I've delated Fcheck but then maya give me an error
Thanks for help in advance !
EDIT: Something I noticed is that the image is not opening in Photoshop (using CS3) and when I took a look at the MEL code, its because Maya returns the filepath as forward slashes but changing it to backslash opens it. So let me know if that happens to you. Or maybe someone else can chime in and maybe something screwed up on my machine/version
I see thx, Photoshop CS6 opens but image is not!!
I don't know WTF ??? wtf this autodesk is doing, everything worked before. For f.. sake. Sorry but cant stand how buggy is this release of maya.
thx for reply
Yep, so we are waiting for the fix ?
our workaround is copy the texture path with ctrl+c, go to photoshop->open image(ctl+o) and paste(ctrl+v)..
PS: I had CS3 and whenever i opened photoshop with a file supplied to it pops up camera data not found. Let me know if you get this too. Might be PS version crap. Also this was only tested on windows :S
thumbs up, works perfect. thanks for this quick fix.(tested on maya 2015 with CS4)