Hey there. I've been busy trying all kinds of things to improve my designs in the last weeks, but
nothing was satisfying enough to publish it. But now I stumbled across something I've
never seen on any other skins: polished and highly reflective metallic bright surface. My
problem now is, it doesn't work without modifying the original files.
So long story short, if you replace the original .vtf file of a weapon with your own and create
a new alphachannel for it, you can make it look as shiny and reflective as chrome. The
problem is just that it doesn't work with the original .vtf file, at least I don't know of a way
to do so. But since I figured out it has to do with the alphachannel, I thought maybe you guys
know something that can help.
As far as I know, there are three important files that determine the color of your weapon. First the
base .vtf file with the texture, second the exponent.vtf file and last the .vmt file, which basically is
just a textfile containing the values of certain parameters such as phongboost etc.
Please feel free to leave a comment.
A very simple design of the CZ75. I made the shiny parts slightly brighter, the rest is still original and edited the alphachannel, then replaced the pist_cz_75.vtf files in the v_model and w_model folder.