Hey im new here, this is something im working on for school, this is the first level ive ever really made so it been fun to play around with unreal but not sure if it actually looks any good so I thought id post it here haha
Not bad, but there are a few things. First, there is no trace of the power of UE4. It looks like it made with UDK. You need to improve a lot the materials, because mainly the weak material definitons gives the UDK look at the moment. Make it PBR friendly. Also, the window reflections are way too strong. Actually you can't see through the windows sometimes because of the strong reflections. Other than these, I would try out some different post process setups.
And.. You say its a laboratory but it doesn't really look like that (at least to me). Maybe add some microscopes and other laboratory stuff.
And.. You say its a laboratory but it doesn't really look like that (at least to me). Maybe add some microscopes and other laboratory stuff.