What's up y'all I'm having some issues with rigging up an auto clavicle rotation setup for the arm. I want the clavicle to rotate upwards automatically when the arm goes up.
I tried using the Expose Transform (ExposeTm) helper to extract the rotation from the upper arm and drive the clavicle rotation with it, but since the upper arm is linked to the clavicle that causes a dependency error. Position constraining the upper arm to the clavicle instead of linking it doesn't work either - the animation pops uncontrollably in this case. Some ideas please?
In Maya, I find the best way is to use a cone/pose reader to get the position of the shoulder and use the dot product of the reader with set drive keys to control the rotation of the clavicle.
I would assume it wouldn't be too hard to make a cone reader in Max.
Here's a helpful tread:
Here is one that someone seems to be giving away. You could dissect it.
He covers a good auto-clav method at 2:30-5min, but it might be good to see it from the beginning to make sure the rig is set up the same.