Hey guys! thought i'd show you my little project for University. There are a few things to work on but im happy at this stage to submit. As I can not afford anymore time on this until the exams are finished!
There are two maybe unnecessary 2k maps on him that could be squeezed onto one uv map, but I wanted to punch out as much detail as possible to get him looking good in marmoset. One for the body and the other for his white Armoured shell bits!
Very portal/half-life inspired when started I started!
Hope you like! wish me luck on a pass!
What's causing the discoloration on the shell? If the robot could curl into a ball and roll, then it might be believable as scuffs, but it doesn't read like that and the robot doesn't look quite able to roll. If you're trying to show age, then some general yellowing, especially in the most exposed areas, might work better.
You might want to expand on the blue stripes on the legs to add a bit of color. Perhaps a stripe down the back, or numbers on the shoulders or back? I'd move away from the pastel, however, and towards a saturated color.
The yellow ring in the body might work better with a fan or duct overlay - some indication of a purpose beyond "glowy yellow light".
Adding black rubber feet to the legs might help add some variety and detail, as well as removing that incessant clatter when it walks down the metal hall...