So, we've got this strange problem on our normal maps... if you stand one way in the light, the normal map works perfectly (individually they work, at least). Turn 180 degrees, and the lighting is backwards (see below). Obviously its not as simple an issue as flipping the red/green channels, as that simply reverses the problem (working while facing one way, not working while oriented the other way with the light).
See below to see what I mean - same scene, same character, just turned 180 degrees from the 1st to the 2nd pic (the back accessory uses a different texture from the main body, so figuring they each have the same problem, just with reversed directions). In the first pic the back emblem is lit from the upper left as it should be... on the bottom pic its lit from the lower left, when it should be lit from the upper right.
I figure its got to be a shader error somewhere bc the normal maps work fine in other model viewers/3ds max viewport/renders... anyone seen this before or have any ideas what we're missing (and thanks in advance!)?