Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Skoops!

Hey all,

I'm making this sketchbook to put myself out there, get the ass-kickings I desperately need, and to get myself back on track to being a competent artist.

I welcome constructive critique and bits of advice.

My first goal is to systematically re-learn anatomy, this time in depth. I made myself a lesson plan:
-Take a part of the body
Day 1 and 2: Observational drawing from references.
Day 3: draw and label bone structures from at least 3 angles.
Day 4: draw and label muscle structures, same angles. Layering where appropriate.
Day 5: dynamic "skinless" poses from reference (if available).
Day 6: dynamic poses, with focus on shading.
Day 7: One pose with as accurate coloring and shading as possible.

I did week 1 on another site, though I'm crit hungry, so here it is again.


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