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Space Lizard (WIP)

Hello! I'm new here to Polycount. I'm currently partaking in a games design course at university and so I've decided to build up more 3D characters for my portfolio outside of what my course demands of me.

In my free time lately, I want to try and improve my hard surface modelling and organic modelling skills within Zbrush. I drew up this character concept of a lizard bipedal creature with a few sci-fi elements (partially inspired by the fish bowl aesthetic of the 50s)


Currently about 7 hours into modelling the character but I've took a few screenshots to document my progress:

Feedback/critique is more than welcome! Any hints or tips that I could use to go about this character? I think I need to increase the character's head size a little as it seems a bit small in comparison to the rest of the body.


  • DWalker
    The angle at the base of the tail feels very sharp. Keep in mind that the tail is a continuation of the spine, so the back->tail line should be a smooth, continuous curve.

    The lower jaw is rather thick and short, giving him a rather distinct overbite. Most reptiles have lower jaws only slightly shorter than the upper. Of course, if you're doing it intentionally to make him cute, then never mind... ;)

    Giving him a forward slant and less upright stature would give him a more reptilian/saurian and less humanoid appearance.
  • Monophobe
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    Monophobe polycounter lvl 14
    I really like the concept, cool idea :)

    My thoughts:
    - The tail definitely needs to sit better with the flow of his back as DWalker mentioned.
    - The belt that loops down under the tail looks as though it's far too flush with the trousers; I would expect it to be angled between the tail and trousers if that makes sense.
    - You've done a nice job in the concept of suggesting the tail is basically holding his trousers up with the cloth sagging below the pockets (especially on the back three quarter view) but in the sculpt it's all very form fitting.
    - The jumper/shirt/suit (call it what you will) needs more volume, it currently looks like his belly just flows right into it. I think you could get some more interesting form in that area.
    - I agree with the jaw comment above. Aside from the slight recess of the lips, your concept has a smoother almost straight line from his snout to his chin which I think works well; in your sculpt he has a very definite separation.
    - Push those orange scales more. I think with some quite craggy formations will really improve it.

    Pretty much all of the changes relate to his silhouette which currently is near identical to the unclothed sculpt.

    Hope that helps, keep up the good work!
  • Sam Duckworth
    Thank you both for the advice! I'll definitely try out the suggestions listed. It's good to know that I'm at least on the right track with this model :)
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