Hey everyone, long time lurker here and now I figure its about time I start getting more involved with the community
. Here is the High Poly of an AK47 with several attachments that I've been working on for the past couple weeks. With this project I really wanted to figure out some of the materials for 3ds max so I spent a few days on those alone. All the texturing is procedural, using the uvw map modifier in max for the scratch masks. Anyway, feedback is greatly appreciated! I'll be adding the Low Poly WIP if people are interested.
Cant wait to see more
I'm kidding, this is looking really cool! keep it up
The main issue I see is with the textures, specifically "cloudy" effects. It seems like the Photoshop render clouds filter is being applied a bit carelessly in the spec. The part that sticks out the most is the mounting rails on the side of the reflex sight, the magazine. You did a much better job on the main receiver and silencer which are a bit more subtle and have a artisticly placed detailed areas of faded metal.
You should also try to avoid over-grunging the textures on the count of the amount of geometry details. Try to aim for a more cleaner approach to the textures as that will help compliment the details in the mesh a little more.
Looks great though. Keep going!
Attention to Detail: Check
Nice Materials: Check
Beast: Check
One other thing that kinda stood out is the placement of the flashlight. Yes it is next to the grip, but if you have ever held a Magpul AFG (the black grip on under side of the rail you are using, just in case) you know that your thumb usually extends pretty far forward with the angle and positioning of your arm coming off the gun. With the current placement, it would be completely in the way, and unable to be activated by comfortable thumb movement. I suggest moving it forward about 3 rungs of the rail, also to help lessen the suppressors impediment of light from the end of the flashlight.
But that is obviously just a nit picky thing and completely unrelated to the work, more so just presentation. If that is my only main critique... Then damn, you won the game in my book.
I think the shoulder-part need a few signs of "in use for some time"
This is the High Poly using procedural texturing
Since its the high poly the wires are a bit of a mess. I typically use edit poly modifiers as I do levels of detailing so my wires get pretty hectic, but preserve my base mesh. I can show them but they are ugly :poly124:. For my textures, are you asking to see the the 3ds max slate editor with the nodes expanded?
For the brief few seconds as I read the beginning of your post you had me scared. But thanks, I'm glad its getting a good reception
Ya this was my first time really trying to get my 3ds Max materials to look good so it was definitely a challenge. I can check my reflect values in those materials to see how much contrast there is and hopefully make it more subtle on the parts you mentioned.
I'd have to admit that a lot of lucky went into getting the silencer and receiver to turn out the way they did. I did spend time using vertex paint to mask out the areas for the scratches but it still boils down to chance when I click render.
I have quite a few more high poly models that I want to post over the next couple weeks. I'll see what I can do about making them look less grungy. Thanks for the advice!
Wow thanks for the kind words I'm glad people are liking it. Although my main focus is weapon modeling I've never had the opportunity to get much personal experience with firearms, so attachment naming and placement is a bit foreign to me. I'll definitely keep that in mind though when the LP makes it into the game and the attachments are being setup.
The overall TRI count is 15,552 and here is the breakdown of each piece:
AK Base Weapon: 7,581
Stock: 2,329 (a bit high but not too bad)
Flashlight: 2,272 (gave it more poly priority since its right in front on the camera)
Angled Forgrip: 874
Red Dot Sight: 1,092
AK Mount Rail: 1,244
Silencer: 160