Hello PC!
Im just trying out the Unreal Engine 4 and i dont know why, but my Maps are more weak then in Toolbag.
Why is this so?
Look at my example:

Same Maps! I think the Maps in Toolbag came out a lot stronger!
And where is the Gloss Slot in UE4? I pressed the Gloss in the Metallic Slot, is that ok?
How can i improve my Maps in UE4? Or is it just a Material Configuration?
Has somebody maybe a good UE 4 Material Tutorial for Standart Maps like Diffuse, Spec, Gloss and Normal?
Specular isn't PBR, don't use it. Instead of specular you should use the metalness workflow. Just make a texture where black = non metals, and white = metals.
In unreal, you have to force the texture to not be compressed by finding the setting 'defer compressing' in each textures properties. The normal maps compression is the most significant.