I was also thinking, why don't we incorporate the monthly competition into a monthly polycount chest.
It's valve's decision to make chests and what to put into them. While we've had polycount chests in the past, I don't think that polycount actually had any oversight as to what was included.
Well yea, but this would be monthly themed chest. Whether or not valve decides break or accept the chest as a whole is their choice. Atleast this way, they won't have to do as much work to assemble another polycount chest.
Hey, Tvidotto, I was thinking that since single items are as dead as a pickled herring, then changing the monthly competition to sets is a good idea, except for the fact that so few people is, or are participating in this round (at least it seems like it), and it would dwindle the pool down even more? Personally I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.
Perhaps wards? That would rule me out since I know nothing about what goes into it. Anyway, it's not all about me, but it's a tough nut to crack with what to do, and it could, in hindsight, be why fewer people are in it, since there literally is nothing accepted in the single items category.
Guys, time to start thinking on the new month theme.
Im planning to change for the next month to sets since it is having more acceptance into dota latelly
i know that it will raise the dificulty but sometimes is a good a new challenge =]
I would like to know what you guys think about it and if there is any suggestion
While I also think sets are the road to Valve's heart, I didn't think getting things accepted by Valve was the main idea behind the thread. I thought the point was to learn and help others learn in a fun way and if something get accepted by Valve it's just an extra bonus.
With that said, I do have an idea of a way we can pull this off that might also be interesting. You see, personally that's too much work for me to do in a month, I expect this would be the same for most polypeople. Therefore I propose that we co-ordinate set-teams e.g. 5 people for a 5-piece set.
Someone could post a set concept and polypeople put their name down to do a piece of the concept (first come first served basis). If someone thinks they can do another piece of the set then they put their name down for two e.t.c. If it gets accepted by Valve split the monetary gain by pieces generated. For example Vertical draws a concept which I do the sword and bracers for and Tvidotto does the legs, pauldron and helmet pieces. I would get 1/3 revenue, Tvidotto 1/2 revenue, vertical 1/6 revenue.
Obviously my example is unrealistic because Tvidotto could do the whole thing under a month :P but you get the point. This might also provide helpful mentoring for nubbins like me.
Gh33: I liked the idea, but we will not be able to manage it, if I remember right one of the past months, someone gave thi idea of noobs working with pros and of course didnt work out, and like you said that it is all about help and improve. So if pros work together (because you cant made them to work with noobs. Their choice) noobs just watch the whole competition and they will not even finish a set by theirself.
Hmmm, I don't see wards listed anywhere on the rules post #1.
If it changed in discussion I missed it.
It was supposed to be aquatic theme for 5 heroes. 1 item.
That's one thing I've noticed with the challenges so far is the rules tend to change come submission time.
People that don't post crits for others, or show wips while they are being worked on still get to submit.
But the rules clearly state this is required stuff and that any submissions breaking the rules will be rejected.
I think that might be leading to them not being that popular. I have posted and seen other posts that were never responded too. It's hard to use this as an improvement session without crits.
It's hard to give crits when no wips are posted, etc...
I think it's supposed to be a learning experience in both ways. Learning to give crits also helps you learn to critique your own work.
Sticking to the rules doesn't make it unfriendly. Sure it's nice to allow someone to just submit something but that's not what this is about right?
Hey, Tvidotto, I was thinking that since single items are as dead as a pickled herring, then changing the monthly competition to sets is a good idea, except for the fact that so few people is, or are participating in this round (at least it seems like it), and it would dwindle the pool down even more? Personally I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.
Perhaps wards? That would rule me out since I know nothing about what goes into it. Anyway, it's not all about me, but it's a tough nut to crack with what to do, and it could, in hindsight, be why fewer people are in it, since there literally is nothing accepted in the single items category.
actually i think the low number of people participating is directlly related to it being on single items. Some people lost the hope with them
That is why i suggested about the sets. If we get less people on the next month its kind of lose its purpose, the feedback ammount will be smaller and we are going to have less work in progress to get some inspiration
It's valve's decision to make chests and what to put into them. While we've had polycount chests in the past, I don't think that polycount actually had any oversight as to what was included.
Praetus is right, i just suggested Valve about the chest because on those 2 months we had such a nice competition with a huge number of entries, but the item choices were all up to them
btw guys, we are getting some new heroes breakdowns with this new patch, if we get some actually added to the workshop we could pick them as our theme
While I also think sets are the road to Valve's heart, I didn't think getting things accepted by Valve was the main idea behind the thread. I thought the point was to learn and help others learn in a fun way and if something get accepted by Valve it's just an extra bonus.
With that said, I do have an idea of a way we can pull this off that might also be interesting. You see, personally that's too much work for me to do in a month, I expect this would be the same for most polypeople. Therefore I propose that we co-ordinate set-teams e.g. 5 people for a 5-piece set.
Someone could post a set concept and polypeople put their name down to do a piece of the concept (first come first served basis). If someone thinks they can do another piece of the set then they put their name down for two e.t.c. If it gets accepted by Valve split the monetary gain by pieces generated. For example Vertical draws a concept which I do the sword and bracers for and Tvidotto does the legs, pauldron and helmet pieces. I would get 1/3 revenue, Tvidotto 1/2 revenue, vertical 1/6 revenue.
Obviously my example is unrealistic because Tvidotto could do the whole thing under a month :P but you get the point. This might also provide helpful mentoring for nubbins like me.
Gh33: I liked the idea, but we will not be able to manage it, if I remember right one of the past months, someone gave thi idea of noobs working with pros and of course didnt work out, and like you said that it is all about help and improve. So if pros work together (because you cant made them to work with noobs. Their choice) noobs just watch the whole competition and they will not even finish a set by theirself.
forget to mention about this
The idea is really nice but as cagdasx said, that didnt work in the past when someone suggested something similar, because of every person here is different, some like to work alone, some like to share the work
the competition is open for team ( which may be a huge problem with the trophy, because is just one) but we cannot "force" people to make teams, we need to let them decide in which environment they fell more comfortable with.
also if you are teaming up, i think its better to separate by areas and not by set pieces, because if you get someone that are used to make evil things to do the helmet and someone that does cute courier to the weapon, you are probably getting the final result not looking like a set
Well, Tvidotto, I say why not try and have the competition about sets, then? Might as well see how it goes. That's really the only way. You are right that it could be low participation because it isn't sets, but who knows? Either way, give it a whirl.
It was said in another thread that 3 items makes a set, according to Valve, so it isn't really that much tougher.
I also thought about the sets being distributed on different people - one person per item, but as said, then there would surely be style clashes, and it would more than likely be a mish-mash. But again: who knows.
If people are struggling to get a set done in a month, perhaps you can increase the deadline to 2 months? Still have a monthly competition but the May deadline will be end of june, June would be end of July and so on,
This way you can either work towards completing your set in a month and enter every month, or only enter every other month and have more time.
I don't think I will have my item ready sadly, didn't have any time to work on it last night and to much to do tonight, but I have learnt from the experience, and would enjoy the challenge of a set just to work on my time keeping skills.
Gh33: I liked the idea, but we will not be able to manage it, if I remember right one of the past months, someone gave thi idea of noobs working with pros and of course didnt work out, and like you said that it is all about help and improve. So if pros work together (because you cant made them to work with noobs. Their choice) noobs just watch the whole competition and they will not even finish a set by theirself.
The idea is really nice but as cagdasx said, that didnt work in the past when someone suggested something similar, because of every person here is different, some like to work alone, some like to share the work
Fair enough, I guess I'll just have to up my game! I might be able to do a 3-piece set in a month eventually if I get used to the workflow. This is definitely going to cut into my DOTA 2 time. :poly122:
I think the competition musnt push people to create sets, because this comp is a really good place to get feedback, ans if you make it only sets it will scare newbies from participating or making them start a set which they will probably never finish.. Anyways ı have 2 options, hope you like them.
1- Make it a single item month again, and the ones who makes set can choose the best item in their set as a entry.
2- We can go with sets only but if we do that there must be lots of hero option, or maybe no disractions at all so that we can havr more entries.
Maybe If we pick just 1 heroes and maybe all make sure to get some different slots we can have a complete set after all. If we would define a direction for that heroes we can all pick our own item slot, or more slots offcourse and create a polycount mixed set
For now I'm trying to finish my dagger for Slark. What do you guys think of the colours, wasn't sure to go for a metal blade or the same material as the original one. Offcourse the metal will need more defenition, but my idea goes to the top colors.
All that tiny detail is going to be lost at the in-game size. Compression will just turn it to noise. I would simplify the details and enlarge them, like make the suckers on the tentacles bigger.
Hate to do it but we might need a slight extention of contest submissions.
They broke the importer RIGHT NOW. I was testing some tweaks... Now gotta wait. (it's razor because I was checking to see if it was just my model export)
Decided I could crunch polys a bit more and add something to it. 120 tri for a necklace.
Had room on the uv to squeeze it in.
Andyk125- I think it looks great. The purple fish bothers me though. I wonder how it would look if it was the same goldfish color as the bracers.
Your right about the fish color, I'm still trying to get the color I want. But If I finish the texture I can easily change teh color. Almost finished the texture and wanted to test out the weapon, but like Baddcog said the importer is broken.
I think we do need a bit of an extention, can't test anything now. I removed the test client long ago, since the importer was really good. I have the idea they did this on purpose though.
@Baddcog: looks really good, maybe add some detail at the inner part of the shell? so it will look a bit more interesting, I think it looks a bit flat from the top view now.
Well, Tvidotto, I say why not try and have the competition about sets, then? Might as well see how it goes. That's really the only way. You are right that it could be low participation because it isn't sets, but who knows? Either way, give it a whirl.
It was said in another thread that 3 items makes a set, according to Valve, so it isn't really that much tougher.
I also thought about the sets being distributed on different people - one person per item, but as said, then there would surely be style clashes, and it would more than likely be a mish-mash. But again: who knows.
just 3?? wow that is great!
Well, to be honest, making 3 items for a set you can think as everything being one but need to work them to fit 3 textures sizes and resolution, its more work but far from being 3 times the work
I think the competition musnt push people to create sets, because this comp is a really good place to get feedback, ans if you make it only sets it will scare newbies from participating or making them start a set which they will probably never finish.. Anyways ı have 2 options, hope you like them.
1- Make it a single item month again, and the ones who makes set can choose the best item in their set as a entry.
2- We can go with sets only but if we do that there must be lots of hero option, or maybe no disractions at all so that we can havr more entries.
what about if we allow people to work on single items normally but that ones are not eligible to the trophy on the end of the month? that way we can have both options and the single items could fit the guys that are starting and one month is a challenging deadline
Maybe If we pick just 1 heroes and maybe all make sure to get some different slots we can have a complete set after all. If we would define a direction for that heroes we can all pick our own item slot, or more slots offcourse and create a polycount mixed set
For now I'm trying to finish my dagger for Slark. What do you guys think of the colours, wasn't sure to go for a metal blade or the same material as the original one. Offcourse the metal will need more defenition, but my idea goes to the top colors.
What do you guys think?
Looking great but im missing some gradient on the blade, what if you work some diferent color from the grip to the tip of the blade? there is a really good that shows that, is a hand schyte for tusk made by onilolz and zaphk. I dont need to be that extreme with the gradient, but its a good reference
Guys we got some new heroes on the pool! venon, treant, timber, terrorlord and magnus
I think its a great opportunity to boost more our contest and get more people joining
The Slark knife looks great, but the one major hangup I have is that it sort of blends with his other colors. How about giving it a bit of self-illumination, to keep the whitish in any lighting situation? Maybe do it as a gradient from the edge up - up going from light to darker? As for the fish, why not try the golden that already is on his one arm? Also, make the fish's eyes bigger and with brighter value? Otherwise, it too disappears.
Otherwise: great job.
Oh, and by the way, the Importer is screwed up big time. The exact thing happened, as a few posts up, where whatever item is uploaded, is substituted by some Witch Doctor item.
Hopefully they'll fix it ASAP...
what about if we allow people to work on single items normally but that ones are not eligible to the trophy on the end of the month? that way we can have both options and the single items could fit the guys that are starting and one month is a challenging deadline
Loved this, I was think of making a set as well. But I dont think we should only make items for new heroes, I mean we should have at least 8-10 hero option because it is hard to draw a concept and even harde if you limit your imagination with 5 heroes. I would not look for a concept now that there is only one trophy, this means more people will try to draw their own concept.
@Tvidotto and two_larsens: Thx for the comments guys!
The screenshot is just a basic coloring test for the colors. There's almost no contrast and details added, also there are no masks yet at all. I finished them this morning, but it's hard to test anything with a broken importer :S
When I'm home il test it out in Marmoset to see if the orange/yellow color will fit better for the fish. I'm only affraid it will blend to much with the bracers, but who knows.
Is it allready confirmed that Valve will only add Sets to the game and no single items anymore?
Well, to be honest, making 3 items for a set you can think as everything being one but need to work them to fit 3 textures sizes and resolution, its more work but far from being 3 times the work
Well 3 is better than 5-6...
But I don't see how you can say it's not 3 times as much work. That's 3 sculpt, 3 high, 3 low, 3 bakes, etc...
In fact it might be more than 3x because you have to match everything up well, which can take going back and forth between models that would be required with on model.
thanks, do you mean the yellow part on the head piece? I have painted in a bit more 'splotchiness' after the in game shots, not showing well in the modo shot I poosted with necklace.
Don't really have anymore ideas for that, I want the yellow swirl to stand apart from the orange ribs well.
Loved this, I was think of making a set as well. But I dont think we should only make items for new heroes, I mean we should have at least 8-10 hero option because it is hard to draw a concept and even harde if you limit your imagination with 5 heroes. I would not look for a concept now that there is only one trophy, this means more people will try to draw their own concept.
i think if we go for too many heroes the idea of getting inspired by the other works loses a little its purpose.
But I don't see how you can say it's not 3 times as much work. That's 3 sculpt, 3 high, 3 low, 3 bakes, etc...
In fact it might be more than 3x because you have to match everything up well, which can take going back and forth between models that would be required with on model.
Well, i see like that, you do one concept, one highpoly and you can texture everything on the same file.
Doing one set with 5 items were less intensive to me then doing 5 single items, but that may vary from each one
btw guys, finished mine in time to end of the month, but as i said on the message before, the deadline is extended for one more day due the bug on the importer
for those of us who are new, where exactly do we submit stuff?
it doesn't say anywhere I can find.
you submitt normally to the workshop and post the links here after, use the code on the first page of the thread to keep in the same pattern as the others, so i list everything after the month ends
Thank god the importer is fixed, I will upload my entry later on tonight when I'm back home.
I'm not too late than or? Everything is finished just need to upload it.
Great looking stuff everyone. Valve tends to like to make things interesting. This was a pretty fun project, got me thinking about a lot of things. Looking forward to seeing what's next. Good luck everyone.
Cast out befit with a Conch Crown as a constant reminder of the Lost Chalice of Crey, Slithice ever wanders the battlegrounds. The Chalice must be found and all suspects will pay their toll to the Slithereen.
Ok I finished uploading my Entry, I think the yellow/orange fish looks a lot better so thx for all the comments guys. if you like it plz don;t forget to vote
@Anuxi: plz don't finish them for this month It looks awesome, can't wait to see this set finished!
It's valve's decision to make chests and what to put into them. While we've had polycount chests in the past, I don't think that polycount actually had any oversight as to what was included.
Well yea, but this would be monthly themed chest. Whether or not valve decides break or accept the chest as a whole is their choice. Atleast this way, they won't have to do as much work to assemble another polycount chest.
Perhaps wards? That would rule me out since I know nothing about what goes into it. Anyway, it's not all about me, but it's a tough nut to crack with what to do, and it could, in hindsight, be why fewer people are in it, since there literally is nothing accepted in the single items category.
Dark Reef Detritus
While I also think sets are the road to Valve's heart, I didn't think getting things accepted by Valve was the main idea behind the thread. I thought the point was to learn and help others learn in a fun way and if something get accepted by Valve it's just an extra bonus.
With that said, I do have an idea of a way we can pull this off that might also be interesting. You see, personally that's too much work for me to do in a month, I expect this would be the same for most polypeople. Therefore I propose that we co-ordinate set-teams e.g. 5 people for a 5-piece set.
Someone could post a set concept and polypeople put their name down to do a piece of the concept (first come first served basis). If someone thinks they can do another piece of the set then they put their name down for two e.t.c. If it gets accepted by Valve split the monetary gain by pieces generated. For example Vertical draws a concept which I do the sword and bracers for and Tvidotto does the legs, pauldron and helmet pieces. I would get 1/3 revenue, Tvidotto 1/2 revenue, vertical 1/6 revenue.
Obviously my example is unrealistic because Tvidotto could do the whole thing under a month :P but you get the point. This might also provide helpful mentoring for nubbins like me.
What say you?
I think sets is a bad idea for a monthly comp. Sure it can be done in a month but that basically force you to drop everything else.
And like stated, This isn't as much about getting it in as getting better right?
And people can develop a set out of the monthly comp item if they want, so let them do that on their own time.
Is single item why not many people are participating this month? Maybe they didn't like theme/characters/rl etc..
I'm pretty sure the polycount contest extended to wards/huds/couriers, its just not implented.
As for next month. Take a poll maybe, sets vs singles?
If it changed in discussion I missed it.
It was supposed to be aquatic theme for 5 heroes. 1 item.
That's one thing I've noticed with the challenges so far is the rules tend to change come submission time.
People that don't post crits for others, or show wips while they are being worked on still get to submit.
But the rules clearly state this is required stuff and that any submissions breaking the rules will be rejected.
I think that might be leading to them not being that popular. I have posted and seen other posts that were never responded too. It's hard to use this as an improvement session without crits.
It's hard to give crits when no wips are posted, etc...
I think it's supposed to be a learning experience in both ways. Learning to give crits also helps you learn to critique your own work.
Sticking to the rules doesn't make it unfriendly. Sure it's nice to allow someone to just submit something but that's not what this is about right?
I redid the uv's, Needed moire density near the face for the portrait. Not a perfect match but I'm alright with it.
Trying to get Dota into SFM but no luck so far. Models have no textures so...
Hero Cam Promo
Maybe some paint touch up, hopefully some SFM renders before deadline, but i guess it's about done.
actually i think the low number of people participating is directlly related to it being on single items. Some people lost the hope with them
That is why i suggested about the sets. If we get less people on the next month its kind of lose its purpose, the feedback ammount will be smaller and we are going to have less work in progress to get some inspiration
should i add that for the next months? i think its a good idea
Praetus is right, i just suggested Valve about the chest because on those 2 months we had such a nice competition with a huge number of entries, but the item choices were all up to them
btw guys, we are getting some new heroes breakdowns with this new patch, if we get some actually added to the workshop we could pick them as our theme
uhhh, that is working much better then i expected! congrats!
forget to mention about this
The idea is really nice but as cagdasx said, that didnt work in the past when someone suggested something similar, because of every person here is different, some like to work alone, some like to share the work
the competition is open for team ( which may be a huge problem with the trophy, because is just one) but we cannot "force" people to make teams, we need to let them decide in which environment they fell more comfortable with.
also if you are teaming up, i think its better to separate by areas and not by set pieces, because if you get someone that are used to make evil things to do the helmet and someone that does cute courier to the weapon, you are probably getting the final result not looking like a set
It was said in another thread that 3 items makes a set, according to Valve, so it isn't really that much tougher.
I also thought about the sets being distributed on different people - one person per item, but as said, then there would surely be style clashes, and it would more than likely be a mish-mash. But again: who knows.
My item for Slardar. "Vanguard of Cthulhu legion" (or something like this)
Concept and 1st meshes
Now work on the high poly
This way you can either work towards completing your set in a month and enter every month, or only enter every other month and have more time.
I don't think I will have my item ready sadly, didn't have any time to work on it last night and to much to do tonight, but I have learnt from the experience, and would enjoy the challenge of a set just to work on my time keeping skills.
Fair enough, I guess I'll just have to up my game! I might be able to do a 3-piece set in a month eventually if I get used to the workflow. This is definitely going to cut into my DOTA 2 time. :poly122:
+1 Bi-monthly set competition
1- Make it a single item month again, and the ones who makes set can choose the best item in their set as a entry.
2- We can go with sets only but if we do that there must be lots of hero option, or maybe no disractions at all so that we can havr more entries.
For now I'm trying to finish my dagger for Slark. What do you guys think of the colours, wasn't sure to go for a metal blade or the same material as the original one. Offcourse the metal will need more defenition, but my idea goes to the top colors.
What do you guys think?
All that tiny detail is going to be lost at the in-game size. Compression will just turn it to noise. I would simplify the details and enlarge them, like make the suckers on the tentacles bigger.
They broke the importer RIGHT NOW. I was testing some tweaks... Now gotta wait. (it's razor because I was checking to see if it was just my model export)
Decided I could crunch polys a bit more and add something to it. 120 tri for a necklace.
Had room on the uv to squeeze it in.
Your right about the fish color, I'm still trying to get the color I want. But If I finish the texture I can easily change teh color. Almost finished the texture and wanted to test out the weapon, but like Baddcog said the importer is broken.
I think we do need a bit of an extention, can't test anything now. I removed the test client long ago, since the importer was really good. I have the idea they did this on purpose though.
@Baddcog: looks really good, maybe add some detail at the inner part of the shell? so it will look a bit more interesting, I think it looks a bit flat from the top view now.
just 3?? wow that is great!
Well, to be honest, making 3 items for a set you can think as everything being one but need to work them to fit 3 textures sizes and resolution, its more work but far from being 3 times the work
what about if we allow people to work on single items normally but that ones are not eligible to the trophy on the end of the month? that way we can have both options and the single items could fit the guys that are starting and one month is a challenging deadline
Looking great but im missing some gradient on the blade, what if you work some diferent color from the grip to the tip of the blade? there is a really good that shows that, is a hand schyte for tusk made by onilolz and zaphk. I dont need to be that extreme with the gradient, but its a good reference
Guys we got some new heroes on the pool! venon, treant, timber, terrorlord and magnus
I think its a great opportunity to boost more our contest and get more people joining
Otherwise: great job.
Oh, and by the way, the Importer is screwed up big time. The exact thing happened, as a few posts up, where whatever item is uploaded, is substituted by some Witch Doctor item.
Hopefully they'll fix it ASAP...
Loved this, I was think of making a set as well. But I dont think we should only make items for new heroes, I mean we should have at least 8-10 hero option because it is hard to draw a concept and even harde if you limit your imagination with 5 heroes. I would not look for a concept now that there is only one trophy, this means more people will try to draw their own concept.
The screenshot is just a basic coloring test for the colors. There's almost no contrast and details added, also there are no masks yet at all. I finished them this morning, but it's hard to test anything with a broken importer :S
When I'm home il test it out in Marmoset to see if the orange/yellow color will fit better for the fish. I'm only affraid it will blend to much with the bracers, but who knows.
Is it allready confirmed that Valve will only add Sets to the game and no single items anymore?
Well 3 is better than 5-6...
But I don't see how you can say it's not 3 times as much work. That's 3 sculpt, 3 high, 3 low, 3 bakes, etc...
In fact it might be more than 3x because you have to match everything up well, which can take going back and forth between models that would be required with on model.
thanks, do you mean the yellow part on the head piece? I have painted in a bit more 'splotchiness' after the in game shots, not showing well in the modo shot I poosted with necklace.
Don't really have anymore ideas for that, I want the yellow swirl to stand apart from the orange ribs well.
i think if we go for too many heroes the idea of getting inspired by the other works loses a little its purpose.
Nop as far as i know, but we are not getting manny single items in games latelly and some people are afraid that single items lost its importance
Well, i see like that, you do one concept, one highpoly and you can texture everything on the same file.
Doing one set with 5 items were less intensive to me then doing 5 single items, but that may vary from each one
btw guys, finished mine in time to end of the month, but as i said on the message before, the deadline is extended for one more day due the bug on the importer
Whaley, the evil conscience by TVidotto
it doesn't say anywhere I can find.
yep, as Shock said is marmoset, but i also use photoshop to control the canvas size and file size.
you can import on photoshop all the images and create an animations with it. after you save for web and can control the size of the file.
The info of the workshop its ok with size but the uploaded images needs to be less then 2mbs each
you submitt normally to the workshop and post the links here after, use the code on the first page of the thread to keep in the same pattern as the others, so i list everything after the month ends
I'm not too late than or? Everything is finished just need to upload it.
The Salty Slicer by Skeleton Jelly (Yatra)
Conch Crown of Crey by Baddcog aka Voodoo
Cast out befit with a Conch Crown as a constant reminder of the Lost Chalice of Crey, Slithice ever wanders the battlegrounds. The Chalice must be found and all suspects will pay their toll to the Slithereen.
Aww man! I might even learn Naga if this gets in game. Stunning work.
All the finished entries look great it's a shame there are so few
Ok I finished uploading my Entry, I think the yellow/orange fish looks a lot better so thx for all the comments guys. if you like it plz don;t forget to vote
@Anuxi: plz don't finish them for this month
Thx Baddcog, I wanted to upload some more but it seems Steam is down again