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Vray box camera not correct ratio.

I have a problem and i can not figure it out. Im using Maya.

But this time the cube map "sides" is not squared like the should be. See image.
The size is 1000x1000. Should it not be square? Should it be 1.333?
Device and pixel ratio is 1. I have tried messing around with FOV and other camera controls but nothing is changing.
I have tried the same projects with different vray version and even different maya versions.

Usually it.. just works without having to change anything at all.
Does anyone have any idea? Im tearing my hair..



  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    After looking at your image, it looks like the problem is coming from the uvs. You need to make them "squared". This way, it won't fill the image this much, but at least it will have good side proportions. You have rendered this out with placing a box and baking to that right?

    Edit - Nevermind :) I thought that you use a different method to bake it.
  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    Yeah, cubecross ratio is 1.33. Should be 1024*768 or so.
    Obscura, this isnt a bake from a scene box, Vray does it by itself from the cam.
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