Hey all,
Hoping I could get some input on this model I'm doing. It would be for a real-time engine (internal for the time-being.)
I'm modeling a "K" that started as a spline from a font. I cleaned up the initial spline and then extrude modifier then convert to editpoly. Given the nature of this project, it's ok to use extra edge flow to maintain the subtleties of the font in the serifs. That said, I feel like I could be doing a better job than how it's turned out. Maintaining the serifs has caused a lot of edge loops bunched up at the top. Additionally when I try to do insets on the front face they begin to converge on themselves after only a couple small insets.
Really appreciate any ideas on any feedback or other approaches I could consider.
I cleared all the smoothing groups and then did an Auto-Smooth.
Pertty gross compared to that "A"
I'm thinking I just might forgo a lot of precision. When I zoom out it's pretty negligible most of those loops.