It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity or desire to post anything, but I'm pretty happy with how this last project turned out. I was tasked to re-create a real-world hotel (won't say which one as we changed the name, but it'll probably be easy to figure out if you tried). We used photos and blueprints and re-created it to about a 90% accuracy... including the employee-only areas, bathrooms, offices, and storage closets. The only thing we left out was roof access and the elevators (you just "warp" up to whichever floor you choose).
This was for a government training simulation, so I only have a few shots that I'm authorized to show in my portfolio, but hopefully you enjoy them. Our desire was to give this training simulation a bit higher production values than your typical government simulation.
I was on a 2-person environment team. He handled furniture and mechanical props, and I handled most everything else... I created the structures themselves, but also signage, stairs, hand rails, carpets, walls, ceiling lights, lamp posts, etc. This was all done in Unreal 3. Took about 6 months.
Here are a few photos I found of the real place:
And by the way, I'm recently out of a job, so if you need to simulate a hotel, let me know!
Lots of these hotel shots looks really good, almost photorealistic. Very very good job on this. The specularity is a bit uniform, from object to object, which makes things look a little on the flatter side, but that's pretty minor.
I like the new portfolio site too. Very slick, though personally I'd make the preview tiles slightly larger, so I can see a little better what I'm getting into once I click.
I really like your work!
I applied! We'll see what happens.