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How do I kill a fire from a safe distance with 5 shots?

Hey guys,

How do I kill a fire from a safe distance with 5 shots? (and yes, i do mean in UDK! lol)

(This question has been broken up into two parts)

Part 1:

Basically I have created my own 'weapon' (in this case, a fire extinguisher) to use in UDK. Using my 'weapon' I want to kill the fire via a DynamicTriggerVolume.

In the image below, you can see my Trigger Volume highlighted in front of the TV. I want to be able to shoot at this 4 times and on the 5th time, kill the fire (aka. destroy the particle system)

Ive tried countless methods of doing this today (following tutorials and scrolling through forums) and infact 8hrs have now passed since I started doing this and I have had no luck at all. (So here I am)

Could someone show me what I would need to do in Kismet to set this up?


Part 2:

So my issue in the second part is that I dont know how to edit the range of my newly created weapon. (Fire Extinguisher)

I followed along with this video on Youtube ([ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1EWKNr6aXc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1EWKNr6aXc[/ame]) and used the crossbow extension files to house my weapon.

Everything is working completely fine apart from the fact that I can shoot and affect my DynamicTriggerVolume from any distance. (Using a Voice Announcement to detect a hit)

Ive played around with a few settings changing the MaxEffectDistance from '20000000' to '5' and the DamageRadius from '30' to '0.000002' in the projectile extension file, but it hasnt made any difference whatsoever.

Images below show:

Shooting the fire from any distance....


Killing the fire with just one shot....


Areas of the projectile code that Ive edited....


I really hope this is a clear description of my issue. Ive tried to explain it as well as I could without getting too complicated.

I look forward to hearing from anyone who can help and in advance express my thanks for those who try!




  • Butthair
    Offline / Send Message
    Butthair polycounter lvl 11
    Your custom projectile does 75 damage.

    In kismet, there is a Take Damage event which will fire off when the damage taken is equal to the damage threshhold. If you want 5 shots, you'll want this threshhold to be 5 times the amount of damage your custom projectile does.

    The Take Damage event is going to be attached to your dynamic trigger volume via an Attach to Event node. However, you should use something else besides a dynamic trigger volume. For example the broken screen (?) static mesh that you have in the scene can be the attachee to the event.

    Also, don't forget to check off Player Only in the Take Damage event!
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