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Assassin's Creed Unity



  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    iniside wrote: »
    Haha yeah it's funny. It's seem like cloth is starting simulation only when it actually is within view.

    But aside of that cloth simulation is actually quite good. It's nice they pulled it of on all characters, while in DAI it's only on some of armors ;/

    Can't speak for the AC team because I don't know what they used, but I believe that that is actually a common problem for heavy cloth physics in cutscenes or places where a character would be off screen and suddenly appear on screen - like it's really hard to have the position of the cloth after simulation memorized then activated, so, it usually starts from it's resting spot and then becomes active.

    Wanting to pick this game up, hoping to do so this week!
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    The game is unplayable. I wanted to play bit more today and... Crashes every 15 mins. Don't buy!.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    iniside wrote: »
    The game is unplayable. I wanted to play bit more today and... Crashes every 15 mins. Don't buy!.

    What platform? I finally asked some friends, last night, how it's been for them, and other than saying the MP was a little glitchy, they've been really liking it. They play on the PS4.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    notman wrote: »
    What platform? I finally asked some friends, last night, how it's been for them, and other than saying the MP was a little glitchy, they've been really liking it. They play on the PS4.

    PC. And before someone ask me for specs:

    i5 4670k
    24GB RAM
    GeForce GTX 780

    If that is not enough to play this game... Then I dunno what is enough.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    From what I've read, PC has had a lot more issues than console versions. Should be patched soon.
  • BeardyDan
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    BeardyDan polycounter lvl 2
    Saw on Reddit earlier that PC and PS4 users have been disabling internet connection and subsequently getting a noticable performance increase. Has anyone here tried it?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    iniside wrote: »
    PC. And before someone ask me for specs:

    i5 4670k
    24GB RAM
    GeForce GTX 780

    If that is not enough to play this game... Then I dunno what is enough.

    Not going to criticize your stats, because I agree; it should be fine. Just making sure, if others review this thread, that it's clear what platforms people are referring to.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Apparently having 4 or more cores really helps with this game, get your i7's out.
  • oXYnary
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ZacD wrote: »
    Apparently having 4 or more cores really helps with this game, get your i7's out.

    any game with an online component is likely to be improved by a multi-core processor. it's the cpu that calculates all of the network replication of npc and player positions, health values, items, scores, etc.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I already returned the game to amazon (dvd unopened), and thanks to some fellow gamers i got the gold edition for just 12€. Don't ask me where.

    I have bad perfomance (like all people), but if you tweak the graphics, you can get a reasonable good rate of fps with a GTX 680. I have all in ultra, hbao+, etc., except shadows on low, and i'm using fxaa (txaa supposes a nice impact to perfomance when it should not be). This game does not have too many graphical options, so it's easy to have it running with playable fps, but without the quality we would like on a "hardcore" gamer PC as mine.

    My gaming system is an i7 2600k@4ghz, 32GB ram and a GTX 680 OC 4GB.

    I was expecting a better parkour, and better combat, but the game compared to Shadows of mordor is a shit (in shadows of mordor i'm always with more than 70fps in ultra... and they said the game was poorly optimized ROLFMAO). The combat is orthopedic and not as great and smooth as the one we have in shadows of mordor. Monolith did a great job compared to ubi. The DOF used in the game is the cheap one, the same used in mmorpg games such as Dragon Nest, nothing good compared to what we see in Black Dessert or Shadows of Mordor.

    With the textures set to very high or ultra, we can see high mipmapping at a short distance, something awful, pathetic. This didn't happen in previous assassin's creed. The product is worse than an early access game from steam. I feel like they sold us an alpha instead of a finished game.

    AC initiates is completely broken, and my level is 0, the servers are constantly down and there are too many bugs. I can't create a club, nor join a co-op mission, and there's a huge stuttering in random places showing 50+ fps in fraps. And i'm using the latest nvidia driver, the WHQL one for this game.

    Some examples of how bad is this game.

    Huge texels and huge lod optimization in less than 50 meters. The fog sometimes is a shit. The same happens with all the characters in scene, we can see the lod levels changing at 1 meter or just moving the camera.

    Another glith, very common in several parts of the game, due to the bad use of lod in the view distance. Some characters have this issue as well, and we clearly see that the upper body is separated from his legs lol.

    This is supposed to be on "ULTRA", but well, another joke. The coders didn't do their job, nor anything. Huge texels and very low poly houses. Pathetic, and more using a GPU such as a GTX 680 OC with 4GB!.

    And the worse... i didn't die fighting, but when i'm asked to escape in several missions, with a jump i "enter" the ground into a infinite fall lol. After a minute falling down i die lol

    Don't get upset if i didn't pay what others paid. This game doesn't deserve nor 12 euros. It may have some good game art but very localized, but as a game... it fails in all the senses. It's a shame to see how games such as shadows of mordor says to this game: "pee pee".

    I was customed to have a great combat music in the previous ACs, and in Unity i only hear the crowd.

    The joke with the chests, acinitiates, the mobile app, and the cash shop makes this game a total failure. the story could be rated as C, because it's ridiculous. this is what happens when they don't let mature a franchise. And to think they said they would not ship another AC after AC 4 black flag...

    At this rate i will finish the game before they realease the big mega patch the game needs, like happened with AC4.

    It could be have been a great game, but it's just more of the same but WORSE. The lighting is quite flat and boring, and now... we can't kill hundreds of enemies because the map is flooded by commoners and there are little groups of soldiers. Elite soldiers with 5 stars are peace of cake, easier than in other ACs, dunno why the did that. We also have a grinding system that involves those insane payments for "ingame money", with weapons and gear we need to buy, update and change later lol.

    This is the WORST AC ever made, and it's logic to see ubisoft stocks falling down... So many teams working on a game, and this...

    Like others have said, don't buy this game. It's garbage actually.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    "At this rate i will finish the game before they realease the big mega patch the game needs, like happened with AC4.


    This is the WORST AC ever made, and it's logic to see ubisoft stocks falling down... So many teams working on a game, and this...

    Like others have said, don't buy this game. It's garbage actually."

    Dude, with logic like that you could work for Kotaku.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    I hope Ubi gets back on their feet with Far Cry 4 and the division, it's a really great studio. I believe players should also stop overhyping whenever something new is announced.

    During these last month, they kept selling us that this game would be a leap in every aspect, that it would be the first true next gen game,etc.

    They showed us these cool trailers with beautiful graphics and such (just like for watch dog).

    They should take example on R* games.

    How many trailers have you guy seen of GTA V before it got released. Take a look at how they are silent about the developpment, take a look about how they're not bragging about their new engine that will supposely revolutionize the genre...

    Anyway, this is going to be my last post here. Anyway, being a montrealer, if I manage to get inside big U one day, I''ll probably see their reality.
  • CordellC
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    CordellC polycounter lvl 11
    Microtransactions in a fully retail priced game ................
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    I don't think I would call $100 a micro transaction. That is a full transaction.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Blaizer, it's possible to critique a game without being an ass about it.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    any game with an online component is likely to be improved by a multi-core processor. it's the cpu that calculates all of the network replication of npc and player positions, health values, items, scores, etc.

    Networking should be calcuated on server in first place. If your client replicate anything to other clients... Then you should rethink your design.
    It's such big security flaw that it boggles my head.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not seeing a problem with blazier wrote. I'm hearing the same shit all over the net. Who cares if it was polite?

    These mandatory yearly releases always hurt quality.
  • dzibarik
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    dzibarik polycounter lvl 10
    for those complaining about "flat lighting", as in ZacD's picture above...

    have any of you ever actually looked outside, and seen just how fucking "flatly lit" real life looks? it's boring and uninteresting but it's still very much REAL, you can expect to see more of this as games become more and more realistic in their graphical fidelity. that said, all the gameplay streams i've seen, and the totalbiscuit video above all point toward bigger problems than the lighting in the game.

    this. When I first saw the final version of the game lighting impressed me the most by how subtle and realistic it looked.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Wait. There is a $100 microtransaction? What does it buy??

    Also didn't Assassin's Creed Rogue also get released? Or is that later? I feel like no one is talking about that.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Wait. There is a $100 microtransaction? What does it buy??

    Also didn't Assassin's Creed Rogue also get released? Or is that later? I feel like no one is talking about that.

    To say it straight. You pay for cheats.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Blond wrote: »
    I hope Ubi gets back on their feet with Far Cry 4 and the division, it's a really great studio. I believe players should also stop overhyping whenever something new is announced.

    couple of things about this statement that i feel need clearing up:

    1. ubisoft is a publisher, not a studio. it owns multiple studios around the world, and while i'm sure there's some heavy cross over with development of some titles (probably more akin to mass-crunch), some studios stand alone in their development a lot, like Massive and the Division.

    2. why would you ever want players to stop giving feedback in any form? if something is bad, it should be called bad! that's almost the cornerstone of what polycount is... giving pure, honest feedback. sure we might not all agree with the feedback, but the fact that it's given is a good thing.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    couple of things about this statement that i feel need clearing up:

    1. ubisoft is a publisher, not a studio. it owns multiple studios around the world, and while i'm sure there's some heavy cross over with development of some titles (probably more akin to mass-crunch), some studios stand alone in their development a lot, like Massive and the Division.

    2. why would you ever want players to stop giving feedback in any form? if something is bad, it should be called bad! that's almost the cornerstone of what polycount is... giving pure, honest feedback. sure we might not all agree with the feedback, but the fact that it's given is a good thing.

    Overhyping is not feedback. It's circlejerk (;.

    Anyway. I rarely buy games before launch, and ACU is prime example of why I don't buy games before launch and why everybody should stop preordering games in first place.

    In it's current state, I wouldn't even get it for free ;/
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    couple of things about this statement that i feel need clearing up:

    1. ubisoft is a publisher, not a studio. it owns multiple studios around the world, and while i'm sure there's some heavy cross over with development of some titles (probably more akin to mass-crunch), some studios stand alone in their development a lot, like Massive and the Division.

    Ubisoft distrtibutes development of its games across multiple studios - The Division is no exception and is being developed across three or more studios (another one of the being Reflections in Newcastle, as an example).
  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 13
    Glitches and pc performance problems set aside, the art is fantastic and though there are a few anachronisms Paris is absolutely magnificient. Even if only the historical buildings are the real deal and the rest is probably procedural, it really works and I surprise myself going to places without checking the map because I've being going to these places for the most of my life. I even found the place I used to live in on the St Louis Isle a few years back.
    Hope the story holds up, black flag set the standards really high imo.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Blaizer, it's possible to critique a game without being an ass about it.

    Being an ass you say... ROLFMAO.

  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Ah Blazier, never change. Your incessantly poor composure and complete lack of objective thinking is a delight.

    Sarcasm aside, your opinion on the game is in there, but I have to fight through your words to pull it out and make note of what it is you're upset about. I should be used to this by now when reading your replies - both here and in other threads - but its becoming taxing.

    So please, for your sake and not mine, consider the words you write and who you write them too. I'm perfectly fine with reading your feedback - even though I feel it lacks any nuance of tact and have to re-read things a few times to get an understanding with what it is you're actually trying to say - but others may not be. You have some talent that I'd hate to see get over shadowed by your poisonous attitude.

    I need you to read this next part a few times to really let it sink in: I am saying these things to you not as an artist that worked on ACU (my work on the game is done and its the best looking game I've ever worked on, and in my opinion one of the best looking games out there that is quickly being over shadowed by technicalities), but as someone with a personal interest in making sure all artists of Polycount get a fair shake. I want you, and others, to succeed.

    Offering feedback - whethere here, GTA V, or else where - is a completley valid thing to do. But your choice of words and your approach to this feedback comes off as aggressive and obnoxious. It shouldn't be. It should be constructive and deliberate so that it isn't so easy to ignore (Which, unfortunately it is.)

    I just hope that if you decide to reply to this, I am surprised in what it is you write.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    adam wrote: »
    Ah Blazier, never change*. Your incessantly poor composure and complete lack of objective thinking is a delight. Your opinion on the game is in there, but I have to fight through your words to pull it out and make note of what it is you're upset about. I should be used to this by now when reading your replies - both here and in other threads - but its becoming taxing.

    *Please consider the words you write and who you write them too. I'm perfectly fine with reading your feedback - even though I feel it lacks any nuance of tact and have to re-read things a few times to get an understanding with what it is you're actually trying to say - but others may not be. You have some talent that I'd hate to see get over shadowed by your poisonous attitude.

    Quite contradictory words coming from you, when your replies have always an attitude of taunt.

    You may not see my "objetivity", so i invite you to read some gaming forums, reviews, or better, the user rating in steam for example. Then, let me know if i'm still poisonous ;). That's your point of view because you are working at ubi right now.

    What it's really poisonous is what ubisoft have done with this game. I'm not gonna eat your bait and play your "flaming game".

    I've said this several times, but before an artist, i am a GAMER. the art on this game may be good, but as a game, is a fiasco. And i'm so so sorry if my comments are poisonous for you or for some people, but it's what i think about the game, sorry again.

    edit: you talk me about i'm being "aggressive and obnoxious". You are being extremately sensitive and melodramatic.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I am not talking just about ACU here. Thats what I need you to understand if you're going to continue to be a member of Polycount. It's unfortunate you see me as being sensitive and melodramatic when I am talking about you as a member of this community, not just this particular thread.

    My skin is far too thick for me to be offended by the choice of words you decide to use when offering feedback. As I stated - I think a couple of times - I read your feedback a few times to understand what it is you had trouble with so I can understand your feedback and remember it for the next games I work on. Your reviews did not offend me, they have not upset.

    I am bothered by how you conduct yourself as a member of this site so I will paste it here for you again:
    I need you to read this next part a few times to really let it sink in: I am saying these things to you not as an artist that worked on ACU (my work on the game is done and its the best looking game I've ever worked on, and in my opinion one of the best looking games out there that is quickly being over shadowed by technicalities), but as someone with a personal interest in making sure all artists of Polycount get a fair shake. I want you, and others, to succeed.

    Offering feedback - whethere here, GTA V, or else where - is a completley valid thing to do. But your choice of words and your approach to this feedback comes off as aggressive and obnoxious. It shouldn't be. It should be constructive and deliberate so that it isn't so easy to ignore (Which, unfortunately it is.)

    Your name comes up far too often amongst the moderators of this site. I am trying to change that before they decide to ban you. (EDIT: If I am to be honest, they've already decided to do that and I've asked that they don't, for now, so I can at least try and explain things to you.)

    You can fling shit all you want when it comes to the games I am personally involved in, I assure you I will not lose sleep over it, but when you're being reported multiple times for being rude or belittling, you're outright breaking the rules of the site. Not just here. Not just for ACU. But a lot of your posts. It needs to stop.

    Simply put, when conducting yourself on Polycount consider changing your attitude or we'll have to take action.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    And to swing all of this back around to actually be about AC Unity, check out the following land marks when you get a chance:

    - Palais du Luxembourg
    - Palais Bourbon
    - Pantheon
    - Ecole Militaire
    - Quatre Nations
    - Sorbonne
    - Les Invalides

    The team I was responsible for created all of these landmarks, which are all Neo-classic architecture. Construction of these landmarks accounted for the first half of our time on the project (14 months total).

    The other remaining months I lead the team that was responsible for the level art found in 2 of the 3 districts on the Left Bank (south of the river), Les Invalides (far West side of the south of the map) and Quartier Latin (middle of the south of the map).

    Palais du Luxembourg is the landmark found in the E3 coop demo:

  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    adam wrote: »
    And to swing all of this back around to actually be about AC Unity, check out the following land marks when you get a chance:

    - Palais du Luxembourg
    - Palais Bourbon
    - Pantheon
    - Ecole Militaire
    - Quatre Nations
    - Sorbonne
    - Les Invalides

    The team I was responsible for created all of these landmarks, which are all Neo-classic architecture. Construction of these landmarks accounted for the first half of our time on the project (14 months total).

    The other remaining months I lead the team that was responsible for the level art found in 2 of the 3 districts on the Left Bank (south of the river), Les Invalides (far West side of the south of the map) and Quartier Latin (middle of the south of the map).

    Palais du Luxembourg is the landmark found in the E3 coop demo:


    Game looks amazing adam! any chance there will be an art dump?
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I can't believe i'm being reported, because if that were the case, any mod should pm me with a message about what words were offensive. I have zero problems apologizing, but at least let me know which is what makes you upset. Banning sounds like a huge lie your are using just to damage my name, i foresee you would say something similar.

    This is a game, man. I said my honest and sincere opinion about this game, i put screens, and that's all.

    I think you are making a flame out of proportions and you just want to provoke me even more. You are just making a drama for nothing.

    Lately, In this forum i'm just making gamer opinions. Opinions like mine can be read in the whole internet. My bad if i act like any gamer in a gaming forum.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Dude, I'm not. (I promise?) I've asked the other mods not to comment here so it doesn't look like we're ganging up on you, so you will have to take my word on the notion of wanting you banned.

    ae. THANKS DUDE! I hope so ;)
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Bah I just noticed something interesting. The game is crashing. EXACTLY every 15 minutes on my setup. I cloud measure time to boil water, with those crashes (;.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    adam wrote: »
    Dude, I'm not. (I promise?) I've asked the other mods not to comment here so it doesn't look like we're ganging up on you, so you will have to take my word on the notion of wanting you banned.

    ae. THANKS DUDE! I hope so ;)

    If that's for real, why any mod didn't contact me? why i should believe you?. The unique time i have an issue in this forum was with Muzz because he pissed me off a lot with constant personal attacks moved by grudges i didn't know.

    Please, Let me know in which threads i was reported and the reasons, all the reasons. In that way i won't fall in future baits of others, and i will be the one reporting.

    It's hard to believe you when you are always taunting me. And more considering that reply you deleted ultra fast.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Blazier I am taking this to Private Messages. You'll hear from me over the weekend.
  • Blaizer
    Offline / Send Message
    Blaizer polycounter
    adam wrote: »
    Blazier I am taking this to Private Messages. You'll hear from me over the weekend.

    ok, thanks in advance.
  • Jakob Gavelli
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    Jakob Gavelli interpolator
    The art truly looks amazing in this game. There are alot of weird technical difficulties. But the artists should be very proud of this game. It's really sad to see that the rest of the game doesn't reach the standard of the graphics.

    Microtransactions in a full retail game though? Who the fuck came up with that idea, seriously.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Ya, it's a bummer the technical problems and higher-up decisions for micro transactions are over shadowing the insane art this game has produced.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    adam wrote: »
    inside what console@ I read on reddit that putting your PS4 in offline mode may help as an interim solution.

    i5 4670k
    24GB RAM
    GeForce GTX 780
    Windows 10.
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Ya, it's a bummer the technical problems and higher-up decisions for micro transactions are over shadowing the insane art this game has produced.

    It's rather hard to appreciate any positives game might have, if you can't play it for longer (;.
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Nice alpha version !
    Oh wait...
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Artists should be proud, if the consumer could appreciate the artwork from what I'm hearing.

    Apparently from the looks of it, you can have characters literally change color infront of you, the NPC rotation and LOD algo is something like 10 ingame meters?

    FXAA is a massive performance hit? This is something that even Skyrim didn't do for me, and as far as I know, FXAA is the lower end of AA techniques.

    Even a high end bleeding rig, with the latest SLI Nvidia cards are barely able to reach 60 FPS, and it seems like VSync doesn't scale it down to 30 or something?

    Console version don't have graphical parity? Apparently, the XB version has better textures but worse shaders vs. the PS which is the opposite (or vice versa?) something along those lines.

    I'm not sure how true the rumors are, but some people are saying Unity uses a 'customized inhouse ENB' for the effects which it is doing (skylight, AO, shadows, etc)? Considering ENB was essentially double-brute force process technique, which was a massive performance killer, this would set a precedence for some really cheap effort.

    I don't have the game, so I don't know, but my card is 2 generations NEWER then the 'recommended' one, and I have 2x the RAM and the higher end I7 processor. People with PC's stronger then mine and actual desktops (no Laptops) aren't doing too well in making the game work (crashing is fairly common after 15-30 minute mark if too much parkour is done, wut?)

    TB on his channel has a performance report, and he actually asks something during the half mark on the video, which is "what good is 800 NPC's" when all they do is eat away at the performance, make optimization a nightmare with LOD's, and barely add the sense of a living world since they still function as static robots to a few 'functional' NPC's. Again, I don't own the game so I don't know how true this statement is, but maybe scaling down the amount of characters on any given instance could the move in the right direction maybe?
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    adam start dumping some art already, I want to see those sculpts and textures.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    sigh why is it so hard to release a stable game anymore
  • WarrenM
    Why is it hard to release a stable game on 3+ platforms on your own game engine while trying to push the envelope in several areas? Really?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It's what happens when a release date is more important than making a stable game. Assassin's Creed: Black Flag was on 6 platforms, and had decent frame-rates and minor bugs. Unity is only on 3 platforms.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Why is it hard to release a stable game on 3+ platforms on your own game engine while trying to push the envelope in several areas? Really?

    yea really, if the game is broken don't release it but companies continue to keep releasing games that flat out do not work to make a quick buck before anyone notices. Plenty of game that "push" the envelope in several areas work fine out of the box. Yet certain companies keep doing it over and over again
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I'm running it on a PC below minimum req (on a i5-2400k & GTX660). Turn off V-sync and lower setting a bit. Its very playable tbh. Occational stutter here and there but other than that its playing ok so far.

    Yes.. I am an Ubi employee, i'm not here to defend any of the other issues, just sayin it works ok for me. And even on low setting the atmosphere and graphics are awesome. However I am an older gamer and things like low FPS, poor pop in, etc have never bothered me so much. The original Tombraider still looks gorgeous in my mind, I'm all about the atmosphere and gameplay. ;P

    Look forward to seeing an art dump!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Why is it hard to release a stable game on 3+ platforms on your own game engine while trying to push the envelope in several areas? Really?

    Actually, yes, really. No one is disregarding the complexity of the task, but they are pushing things out, before devs are pushing things out before they are ready. I don't know why you would think that's acceptable.

    Yes, some issues are understandable, especially on the PC platform, but some issues were known, and not resolved. For instance, players are getting stuck in the hay stacks, before the game went gold. It was reported, yet for some reason, it still made it to the final product.

    It's a shame that this amazing artwork is falling victim to software bugs.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Why is it hard to release a stable game on 3+ platforms on your own game engine while trying to push the envelope in several areas? Really?

    Ahem. You work on UE4, which pushes feature boundaries every few weeks, and yet it's stable multiplatform (HTML5!?), and just works.

    That should put things into perspective.
    I say if you can't pull your shit together in time then:
    1. Delay release date until you can.
    2. Tell people that you had to cut on your ambitions because game would be unplayable.
    Don't tell crap like 30fps is more cinematic, or embargo reviews after release.
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