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Assassin's Creed Unity



  • slipsius
    How bout that amazing art in Assassin Creed Unity??? Anyone check it out? Looks pretty fancy!!
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Could everybody try to get the thread focused back on the game itself? I'm sure the people working on the project that are also Polycounters would prefer seeing people talk about the new innovative installment to the franchise rather than this design decision. If they had to cut content, then they had a reason for it.
  • cookedpeanut
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    cookedpeanut polycounter lvl 13
    This looks like another Watchdogs repeat, all the graphical hype and nothing to live up to on release.
    Just wait, all those fancy effects - hah, you must be having a laugh my arse it's 'actual gameplay'.
  • Meteora
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    Meteora polycounter lvl 8
    I would have to imagine that females were cut out because it simply wasn't prioritized at the beginning of production and they just couldn't meet the deadlines to begin working on female characters.

    Aside from the controversial design/cut, I'm pretty stoked for Assassin Creed Unity. I decided to skip out on AC3 because I was fatigued of the AC games and AC4 while very good, lacked buildings like the ones we climbed in AC1/2.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    Game looks rad!! I love all of the moments when coop buddies appeared, did great job at simulating the unscripted action events that happen often in MP games! Will be interesting to see how team-play works with coordinating attacks, so the game can play as graceful as it looks.

    My only slight criticism, which is so fucking nitpicky its dumb, but the Assassins didn't actually assassinate "high value targets" in the trailer. On one hand, I love it, its subtle, and for the first time I've ever seen has your character trigger a major event and not participate. On the other, I wonder if this is a prevalent theme in the game, since the French Revolution was driven by the people, and if gamers would still get enjoyment out of the game by not assassinating targets, but creating a situation where the NPCs can finish the job for them.
  • vargatom
    Couple of thoughts...

    ACU's single player story can not be adapted to a female lead without major changes. Can't say more about this, but the point is that changing the lead is not feasible.

    Coop characters seem to be a more important issue here.
    I think that the person quoted about "women are harder to animate" was not a technical person so he's not entirely familiar with terms.

    It is possible to reuse animations for a female character, even to share the same skeleton. Bioware did this in the Mass Effect series and it worked 95% of the time. The rest looked really awkward though - there was a DLC mission where FemShep could where a cocktail dress and the mocap had her sit with her legs spread wide...

    The more important issue here seems to be that coop multiplayer characters are customizable. So adding females would double the asset work and QA work. ACU has a set release date and there's a limit on how many features they can actually complete. Something always has to be cut.
    Also realize that FemSheps' armor was basically 95% the same as male Shep's. Only the breast plates were different, the rest was the same mesh conformed to the female anatomy model, reusing UVs and textures. That wouldn't work for 18th century assassins in ACU.

    Female player avatars for multiplayer may still be released as (free?) DLC later.

    And yeah, it's pretty unfair to crucify Ubisoft for this when the entire industry could be held accountable.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    If anyone's going to appreciate a video like this, its Polycount: http://ca.ign.com/videos/2014/07/21/making-assassins-creed-unity-part-2-next-generation-technology

    The first half talks about our renderer and world editor :)

    It's so, so badass.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 20
    that system for working out the streets is dope! there's gotta be some crazy awesome tile sets in there for that kind of interchangeability on each component
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    adam wrote: »
    If anyone's going to appreciate a video like this, its Polycount: http://ca.ign.com/videos/2014/07/21/making-assassins-creed-unity-part-2-next-generation-technology

    The first half talks about our renderer and world editor :)

    It's so, so badass.

    That is some fucking sweet tech you guys have over there! Game is looking ace :)
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    Well the game is finally getting in stores. Reviews are popping out..

    Aaaand it's not all that great according to them. After excellent Black Flag which was considered amsongt the best of the series, they say (reviews and users) that this title might be the worst.

    Visually, it's great as usual. Praises should be given to the modelers, texturers as Paris has been beautifully recreated with Ubi's Anvil Next. Same goes for some swift and nice animations (though often glitchy and jerky interpolation at times).

    Anyway, once again, it's not the art team which is responsible for the mixed succes of the game. It's pretty much everything else.

    The story isn't that great it seems. The character Arno is flat and devoid of charisma. They even say he's just a failed attempt at recreating another Ezio-ish character.

    Music is allright but it still doesn't reach what we had with Jesper Kyd.

    Though parkour and stealth mechanics have been imprved, everything else feels the same. Alot of critics have bashed the fighting mechanics because it really feels unpolished.

    Well anyway, of course all of this comes from critics. I haven't tried the game yet.

    I just hope the game sells well. I don't want Ubi to start laying off artists...I think they did an mazing job.

    edit: Furthermore, it seems like the game was released too soon.


    Lots of bugs like these have been reported.This reminds me when I ought AC 3 at the day of launch...full of glitches like these. The game didnt feel complete at all. Maybe it's time they stop releasing them every year (i know it's different studios for every title but still.)
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    To say it simply. ACU is starting to going viral. As industry joke (;.

    Less money on marketing more on developing next time.

    Oh and Ubisoft stock is pitching down like crazy. Almost 10% down in single day. It's probabaly going to be more than 30% within month.

    I haven't played much but... Visually it's not that impressive. Textures are quite low res, and lighting looks flat (lack of proper world scale AO and GI), so the general impression is that everything look flat and lack depth.

    While the second I can understand, pulling off proper dynamic GI and AO is really hard task, I can't understrand low res textures on PC. They just don't look like they have enough detail. Some of them looks like something I would make (which is bad ;p).
    Why not just include high rest version with PC ?

    What I really like is transition between open world and buildings interiors. This eye adapation effect is really impressive.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    low res textures on PC?

  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    iniside wrote: »
    To say it simply. ACU is starting to going viral. As industry joke (;.

    Less money on marketing more on developing next time.

    Oh and Ubisoft stock is pitching down like crazy. Almost 10% down in single day. It's probabaly going to be more than 30% within month.

    I haven't played much but... Visually it's not that impressive. Textures are quite low res, and lighting looks flat (lack of proper world scale AO and GI), so the general impression is that everything look flat and lack depth.

    While the second I can understand, pulling off proper dynamic GI and AO is really hard task, I can't understrand low res textures on PC. They just don't look like they have enough detail. Some of them looks like something I would make (which is bad ;p).
    Why not just include high rest version with PC ?

    What I really like is transition between open world and buildings interiors. This eye adapation effect is really impressive.

    Are you playing the pirate version? i suppose that because the PC launch if scheduled for tomorrow, 13th november.

    Some people have shown 4k screens and the textures are NOT small (pirate version), they are INSANELY HUGE. BTW, They have a very bad perfomance with a sli of 2 gtx 980 (~20-30fps). With AC4 i have as min. fps 40, AC3 always 60 fps due to the cap.

    And some people with gtx 660 are reporting a good framerate with some tweaks and with poor quality, without all maxed to Ultra settings.

    I will receive my copy from amazon tomorrow, but i don't expect something great. Ubi has lied us again and this is another bad game with a very poor perfomance. I'm uneasy because i own a GTX 680 and that's the minimum GPU they put as requirements.

    If i can't play the game with a smooth framerate and quality, i won't buy another ubisoft game, only on sale on key retailers for just 1€. So... with all what i have seen in gaming forums, i would not like to wish them the same fate THQ had. Sorry.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I've noticed the game looks great when there's a nice mix of light and shadows, but in complete light or complete shade, it does start to look pretty flat. I haven't played it though, just from the release gameplay footage I've seen.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    The vegetation is also quite bad, they didn't improve that since the very firsts assassin's creed. It's a shame.

    There are some interior captures with a ground reflecting its environment, but the characters... bluarrh, it's like they are floating. they could have handled that issue.

    They have sold another yearly AC without proper optimizations for PC and a huge lack of consistency and work. All seems rushed, and the LOD distance is horrible as far i have seen in youtube videos. This is pathetic, worse than Watchdogs.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    adam wrote: »
    You're buying the game even though you just meet the minimum specs but will be upset if the game isn't smooth frame rate and 'quality'? What?

    I mean you're setting yourself up for disappointment here, man.

    I bought basebball tickets way up in the nosebleed section and will be very disappointed if I cannot see the sweat coming down the pitchers face.

    Don't defend the evil because you are working at UBI right now. If you are well informed (i doubt it now), they made public the pc specs a week ago, or days. So don't piss me off with such liquid/vague comments just for flaming. I remember you are a mod.

    Come on... be objetive. Ubisoft have sold smoke, pure hype.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Amazing looking game, I'm very inspired by it, so thanks to all artists here who worked on it!
    Unfortunately the overall game for me is a disappointment, especially since there's no Modern Day story in it. It's a decent start of a next gen AC, but falls short in many ways.
  • WarrenM
    "especially since there's no Modern Day story in it."

    GOOD. :) The Desmond parts are always the least enjoyable for me...
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Blaizer wrote: »
    Are you playing the pirate version? i suppose that because the PC launch if scheduled for tomorrow, 13th november.

    Some people have shown 4k screens and the textures are NOT small (pirate version), they are INSANELY HUGE. BTW, They have a very bad perfomance with a sli of 2 gtx 980 (~20-30fps). With AC4 i have as min. fps 40, AC3 always 60 fps due to the cap.

    And some people with gtx 660 are reporting a good framerate with some tweaks and with poor quality, without all maxed to Ultra settings.

    I will receive my copy from amazon tomorrow, but i don't expect something great. Ubi has lied us again and this is another bad game with a very poor perfomance. I'm uneasy because i own a GTX 680 and that's the minimum GPU they put as requirements.

    If i can't play the game with a smooth framerate and quality, i won't buy another ubisoft game, only on sale on key retailers for just 1€. So... with all what i have seen in gaming forums, i would not like to wish them the same fate THQ had. Sorry.

    US launch was two days ago 0o.

    Anyway. I bought gold edition and I start to regret it ;/
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I've removed my comments as to not interfere with you guys discussing the game (good or bad). Have at it!
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I readed you very well, but you didn't read what i said. If a GTX 680 is a low end graphic card, ubisoft is selling SHIT. You should understand me right now, and i suppose that very clear.

    I'm happy i ordered it at Amazon, so i have 30 days to put this game in Ubisoft's ass. If it does not met my expectations, i will try the game and i will recover my money without any hassle. I won't lose anything :)

    Ah, worst if you are an "owner". It's not good to piss people the way you did, nor clever.

    Edit: now you remove the comments...
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Blaizer wrote: »
    I readed you very well, but you didn't read what i said. If a GTX 680 is a low end graphic card, ubisoft is selling SHIT. You should understand me right now, and i suppose that very clear.

    I'm happy i ordered it at Amazon, so i have 30 days to put this game in Ubisoft's ass. If it does not met my expectations, i will try the game and i will recover my money without any hassle. I won't lose anything :)

    Ah, worst if you are an "owner". It's not good to piss people the way you did, nor clever.

    Aaaah, well shit man. I'm sorry. Though I will back out of this conversation as you've made up your mind about the game and the company that built it.

    See you around :D
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Adam pisses me off all the time but I still like him.. sorta.
  • jovcem
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    iniside wrote: »
    US launch was two days ago 0o.

    Anyway. I bought gold edition and I start to regret it ;/

    If you regret it, i will regret it as well, as too many other loyal people. So i will open a refund at amazon as soon as the copy arrives. I love the AC universe, but this is unbearable, a bad joke, so i if get the game, it will be on a key retailer for a few euros.

    What a huge shame.

    Steam has a huge amount of negative votes, so save your money.,
    Assassin: Ubisoft
    Target: Your Wallet
    Method: Over Hyping

    Assassination Successful.
  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    isn't that the usual thing at the moment?
    creating gigantic hypes so people buy it before they get what it's really like and people keep believing it's gonna be different this time( destiny?).. now I'm not talking (bad) about this one since I haven't yet played it

    I should've tried to get into marketing.. that's where the cash is :)

    Anyways.. I really like the art side of things.. it's incredible how far you can see over the rooftops and it's looking pretty good from what I've seen so far.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    I haven't played the game myself, but it seems like people purposely set themselves up for disappointment by getting hyped up to a point where nothing could possibly please them. I could understand falling victim to such a thing once or twice, but from looking at various forums I tend to see the same people complaining each and every time a new game comes out.

    Judging by the Steam reviews, I'm guessing the PC port isn't too great, but most of the complaints seem to be stating that performance isn't great. If that's the case I'll probably pass since my GPU is already outdated, but I'll definitely check it out next time I upgrade which will probably be in a few weeks.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    WarrenM wrote: »
    "especially since there's no Modern Day story in it."

    GOOD. :) The Desmond parts are always the least enjoyable for me...
    I guess it's good for some people. But it's like a bitch slap for a fan like me who cares about the series since DAY 1 and cares about the universe it created and all the lore. It's like Ubisoft just don't care anymore and I'm not sure I will care too if they continue down this path. It would not be the same AC I fell in love with all those years ago. It's my favorite game series of all time, but maybe it's slowly fading away now, who knows. We'll see next year, I guess.
  • WarrenM
    Yeah, I just never have ANY fun in the real world portions. It's just tedium and busy work until I can get back into the Animus.

    I bought this game to be a pirate in the Caribbean, not a games programmer. :)
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    ZacD wrote: »
    I've noticed the game looks great when there's a nice mix of light and shadows, but in complete light or complete shade, it does start to look pretty flat. I haven't played it though, just from the release gameplay footage I've seen.

    Well, the indoors scene are the most well rendered. This is probably due because Image based reflecitons are easier to perform in closed environnments. Same goes for GI.


    My biggest complaint here is that objects and characters dont project any Ambiant Occlusion when interacting with others surfaces (hence the floor floaintg impression)...


    However most people complain about technical stuff and not artistical stuff

    (bad optimization on PC, frquent frame rates drops outdoors and during cinematics, lots of bugs, messy collisions and quirky climbing animations.)



    But come on, the game is far from being ugly.
  • Blond
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    Blond polycounter lvl 9
    NegevPro wrote: »
    I haven't played the game myself, but it seems like people purposely set themselves up for disappointment by getting hyped up to a point where nothing could possibly please them. I could understand falling victim to such a thing once or twice, but from looking at various forums I tend to see the same people complaining each and every time a new game comes out.

    Judging by the Steam reviews, I'm guessing the PC port isn't too great, but most of the complaints seem to be stating that performance isn't great. If that's the case I'll probably pass since my GPU is already outdated, but I'll definitely check it out next time I upgrade which will probably be in a few weeks.

    Well, you got to understand them.

    It's been 7 years since the start of the franchise and it's still like their policies haven't progressed yet. I'd even say they went downhill in terms of QUALITY. The first three AC's barely had any bugs and always felt finished.

    And I'm not talking about the art team here because we know they always did their job right (hence the beautiful cities AC's always had).

    It's in terms of technical achievements that Ubisoft regressed somehow...
    But then again, it's only the beginning of the gen, thye still have time to know the hardware better. Same goes for their engine.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Here's some of the flat lighting


    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgpzT5V5Mgs"]Let's not play Assassins Creed: Unity yet - YouTube[/ame]
  • weee
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    weee polycounter lvl 3
    i'm starting to worry about The Division, or is it really just individual studio related? like i dont recall there was any problem when Far Cry 3 launched, but then the funny thing is why Ubi allows so many engines keep going in the same time while seemingly not able to sort out the technical problem some engines have? why not unify all the in-house engine, i dont see there is a big diversity among for example ACU, the Division or Far Cry.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    so ive just put my first hour or 2 into the game. and i gotta say wow. holy crap. aside from technical issues this has on pc.. its fucking amazing. this is hands down one of the best looking games ive played, and so far is definitely a contender to be my favorite AC game yet. not sure what all the fuss and hate is about. im willing to see past a few glitches here n there so long as its not game-breaking.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Once thing I can say for sure, is that there is not a lot of building variations. I mean there is like 6-10 different buildings + different roofs.

    Yet, the mileage of reusability that has been achieved here is just stunning. If you are not paying attention or you are average gamer you probably will never notice that most of the buildings are the same meshes with the same textures.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    I think reviews have mentioned more that the story is lacking and the protagonist is fairly bland/forgettable... the art itself looks incredible though!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    for those complaining about "flat lighting", as in ZacD's picture above...

    have any of you ever actually looked outside, and seen just how fucking "flatly lit" real life looks? it's boring and uninteresting but it's still very much REAL, you can expect to see more of this as games become more and more realistic in their graphical fidelity. that said, all the gameplay streams i've seen, and the totalbiscuit video above all point toward bigger problems than the lighting in the game.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    for those complaining about "flat lighting", as in ZacD's picture above...

    have any of you ever actually looked outside, and seen just how fucking "flatly lit" real life looks? it's boring and uninteresting but it's still very much REAL, you can expect to see more of this as games become more and more realistic in their graphical fidelity. that said, all the gameplay streams i've seen, and the totalbiscuit video above all point toward bigger problems than the lighting in the game.

    Bah. I look outside of windows and lighting doesn't look flat. There are subtle variations of indirect shadows, and this is what makes lighting looks less flat.

    Besides. I don't want realistic looking games. I want games that looks cool. You know. Like movies.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Blond wrote: »
    It's been 7 years since the start of the franchise and it's still like their policies haven't progressed yet. I'd even say they went downhill in terms of QUALITY. The first three AC's barely had any bugs and always felt finished.

    Time is probably the killer. Assassin's Creed became an annual franchise - now it's even more frequent than that. Having deadlines that are too tight means there's not enough room for iteration and not enough room for polish. Call of Duty has been suffering from the same problem.
  • WarrenM
    That picture DOES look a little flat and washed out but without context it's impossible to judge ... what's the brightness/contrast set to? What time of day is it in the game? Weather conditions? Video card in the PC? Etc ... Any game can look bad with the wrong settings.
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    Love the game so far,
    especially the ghots -

    I wont preorder games anymore..
    Hope they fixed the rest together..


    Art related an awesome job! This game looks fantastic, also the animations are great.. Without the glitches, the game would be awesome!
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Alphavader wrote: »
    Love the game so far,
    especially the ghots -

    Feckin lol! The ghost of Altair strikes again :poly142:
  • SuperFranky
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    re: flat lighting . the game has cloudy bits where the lighting changes from pronounced to muted to almost entirely indirect. a sunny part of the day looks more like this:


    with bounced lighting accounted for very nicely, it looks like
  • WarrenM

    Ask for that dress again and I'll put you through this window, I sware on me mum...
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Hah, what the heck is going on with that woman's dress in the foreground?
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    ambershee wrote: »
    Hah, what the heck is going on with that woman's dress in the foreground?

    the cloth physics jiggle or otherwise appear to be positionally reset whenever a character enters the view. looks kind of funny in the dramatic bits of the cutscenes but otherwise it's ok i guess
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master

    $100 of in game credits?!
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    juniez wrote: »
    the cloth physics jiggle or otherwise appear to be positionally reset whenever a character enters the view. looks kind of funny in the dramatic bits of the cutscenes but otherwise it's ok i guess

    Haha yeah it's funny. It's seem like cloth is starting simulation only when it actually is within view.

    But aside of that cloth simulation is actually quite good. It's nice they pulled it of on all characters, while in DAI it's only on some of armors ;/
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Speaking of funny cloth sim weirdness ( skip to 0:10 ):

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP8xakplqQc"]Lords of the Fallen - Ahmagad can't see - YouTube[/ame]
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