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Business Card crit before GDC!

Hey all,

So I am attending GDC for the first time this year (see everyone @ the bar on Wednesday!)

I know that the business card is not half as important as the portfolio, or my ability to talk to people, but after getting stacks of cards from people, I would love it if mine sticks out a bit in the minds of potential employers. I have a polycount contest win and a lot of learning under my belt, but no real world experience yet, so I am REALLY trying to capitalize on this trip, especially since my mini golf level will be @ the Havok Play booth this year.

I read through the other "firt time @ GDC" threads and found the info really helpful, so I wont ask anyone to rehash the same info again here.

At any rate, I would love some feedback from everyone on this weird business card idea before I get it printed and cut.



  • Tekoppar
    Offline / Send Message
    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    To me it looks like the character is about to cry. Like someone told you "Your art sucks" and you're trying to maintain your appearance to not cry. But I like the rest of the idea.
  • Justin Meisse
    Offline / Send Message
    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I like the 3D work on your portfolio, especially the Bramble Axe. No offense but concept art and illustration isn't your strongest skill so making it the centerpiece on your business card is a mistake. I suggest you remove the awkward text and self portrait and put the Bramble Axe on the card, it's simple and readable.

    Another option would be to put together a little simple scene with some of your mini-golf props.

    I'd also remove the speed sculpts and concept art from your portfolio, you're only as strong as your weakest piece.
  • 2cat
    Offline / Send Message
    2cat polycounter lvl 5
    Also I suggest putting the art on one side and the info on the other. Business cards aren't that large and the contact info text you have now is quite small.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Here's my current favorite business card: LINK
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Yea, I'm not a fan of your business card right now. I also took a look at your folio and I think you should remove the speed sculpting and concepting portions...it just doesn't help your case at all. For your card, I agree that maybe having that bramble axe is not a bad idea...its your best asset and shows your abilities. Back of the card is fine. One other thing is all of your stuff is stylized...might be good to add some other types of env art if you are really trying to see yourself as an env artist.
  • Ewing
    Hey all,

    Thanks for the feedback, it all feels totally fair!

    So I went ahead and removed the speed sculpts and illustration from my portfolio site. I guess since I am just starting out I was concerned about having a large enough volume of work, but I agree that the whole picture my portfolio paints is stronger now that I have dumped the 2D stuff and the scuplting (which I am just starting to learn, so clearly not my strongest suite.)

    I like the idea of putting a little scene together for the front of the card. I guess it seemed pretty clever to have my face on a card, but I do hear what Slosh is saying about branding myself as a 3D artist.

    I have a pretty limited amount of time to send something off to the local print shop before I go down to SF, but I will play with some scenes tonight and see if I can get a good form that would serve well as the front of the card.

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts, keep 'em coming!
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