Been working on this sword for quite a while now, started form 0 in Blender and Zbrush. It's now in the final stages of its making and im looking for some criticism before I post it in the workshop. Working mainly on the textures now so here are some images :

As you can see there are basically 2 colors with minor tweaks. There is also an idea to make one for Radiant with lighter and one for Dire with darker colors.
So my questions are:
What can I improve?
(mainly about the textures as i dont really want to change the shape or sculpt much, I know it's not perfect and I'm pretty sure it will never be no matter how much I change it

. I'll leave that for the next one.)
Do you think it has a fair chance to get in the game?
Most importantly do you like it? I have watched it so much that i can't be objective.
Thanks for reading!:)
Very basic shape but it looks neat.
Maybe try using a bit of color in the metal, go a bit darker with it as well.
You could try running a gradient down the weapon so thy it is lighter at the top and darker at his hands too.
Make sure you experiment with the shader masks too, they will really sell that something is cloth or metal. etc.
Keep in mind that everything blue will be shifted to red when Sven uses his ulti. And areas painted in the detail map will pulse when he uses it too.
I would also make the runes simpler, because you are as close as the game camera will ever be to the weapon and I still can't clearly make them out. Just personal preference though. Good luck!