Hello polycounters!:D
This is my character for the internship selection at ArenaNet. Although i'm aware that to get the internship as an european citizen i need to be allowed to work within the U.s. i decided to give it a shot. (You never know :poly122: )
I finished blocking out all the main shapes and I'm currently working on the small details (legs folds, decorations etc.)
the final model will have to be within 7k tris with one texture 1024x1024 (diffuse, normal, spec)
if you have any feedback/critic it would help me alot (i want to avoid to have stuff looking weird once i got into baking)

texturing in progress
i'm still working on the diffuse map (with some test on the specular map on the upper armor parts).
the model right now is around 6,5k tris. the texture size i'm using in photoshop is 2048 but on this render i resized them to 1024.
the fur sucks. i'm still working on it xD
as always any crit is really welcome
Torch: for the pose i'm going to give her a simple rig and a more relaxed pose. about the texture the thing is that usually the armors in Gw2 tend to be really clean and bright (but i'll put in some noise anyway)
StevSton: yeah it would be better to have a spec color map but i this case the only allowed is a greyscale for the amount
still working on the fur on the back and shoulder.
this is the ref i'm using for texturing (it's the male version of this armor set):
any crit, advice or wathever is welcome as always
I Think it's almost done. i'm not quite sure about the fur on the back and i will probably change it again °-°
hope you like it and thx everyone who commented or just checked the progress
A quick question for you though, how do you make the cool pattern on her front loin cloth ?
that pattern is copied from a norse mythology decoration (Odin's crows) i found on google (also modified with a photoshop celtic triskell brush to fit the shape of the cloth piece):)