I'm working on modelling
a character who has very long hair, and I've gotten to this point with it. She's going to be baked to a lowpoly and posed the same way as she is in the concept - she won't be rigged or animated. However, her hair is made up of a ton of different polygrouped chunks (about 20, hah) and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. I don't think it's wise to leave her hair in chunks like this, since it takes up an enormous amount of uv space to keep them all at a good resolution and blows up the poly count, but I don't really know how else to do it. The hair gets blobby and ugly if I start combining pieces together...
What's the usual solution to hair like this? I've seen artists pull off long hair extremely well with a combination of sculpting and hair cards (for example, Hazardous' Miku and Mrskullface's Samus), but those hairstyles lent themselves well to having large chunks of hair, unlike this which is quite piecey.
Would it even be better just to use hair cards and forego the sculpted pieces entirely?
If anyone has any advice or suggestions I'd really appreciate it.