Hey guys

Thought I would post up an environment piece I am currently working on, and get some needed critique/feedback off you talented artists!
Its my first post on here for a long time, and hopefully there are many more to come.
I am working on a building called 'Hotel Del Salto' it is a real building located next to Tequendama Falls, Columbia.

I have alot more reference and i'll post them up as i'm asking for crit on each section.
This is what I have at the moment:
I'm currently in a bit of an optimizing stage, as the buildings polycount was a bit high, and I have a lot of unneccesary edge loops that contribute to nothing.
Everything I have highlighted in red is what I have optimized, and everything in grey is what I haven't.

Am I going in the right direction by cutting off edge loops into tris? E.g. Not doing what I have done on the bottom piece where multiple edges just loop around into nothing.
I wanted to make the building out of modular pieces so where you may see n-gons I have just snapped a separate piece to another piece. I'm guessing this is pretty bad topology as well?
I also had pillars for the balcony section but i'm re-modelling them now, along with other bits and pieces that I have missed out

Either way general critique, opinions on scale of each piece etc is welcome!