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Portfolio - Feedback Wanted

Hi lads and lassies,

I am a Junior 3D Artist currently in the midst of writing my Bachelor Thesis and working as 3D Artist - Intern at a game studio.

I realise the only way to grow is to get feedback, so I am asking you guys to critique my portfolio, tell me what you think I should strip, rework or keep.

I want to work as a 3D Generalist or Environment Artist, I haven't had much experience with Characters, though I am learning how to model them.

My main focus is organic or hard surface environment assets.

My portfolio:

http://robinpowellcg.com/portfolio/ (Hit load more at the bottom)


Upgradeable Turret

Post-Apocalyptic Survivor

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_zBTWn3Dn8"]PowellAnimation - Post-Apocalyptic Survivor - YouTube[/ame]

Post-Apocalyptic City

Guard Tower

Medieval House

Thanks alot, fellow polycount members!


  • luge
    Offline / Send Message
    luge polycounter lvl 4
    The main thing I'm seeing is that your normals are extremely harsh. and on that gun, you have some warping in your uvs, or atleast it looks like it is warping, i don't know if thats intended or not.
  • I Fought A Bear
    Offline / Send Message
    I Fought A Bear polycounter lvl 8
    I think the biggest problem you're having is that you composite together a diffuse, throw it into crazybump, and then call it a day. Your spec, gloss, and normal maps are all just as important as your diffuse. Just because you have textures on your model doesn't mean they look good. Quick and dirty texturing can actually bring a piece down.
  • Laughing_Bun
    Offline / Send Message
    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    Your real problem is that your diffuse is a noisy mess. Texture is a bit of a deceptive term because this epitomizes texture but it is not a good thing. The texture should support the shapes of the model, not confuse them. You basically have clouds of detail that don't inform anything.
  • Melodeus
    It all feels uncoordinated. You should possibly understand first that normal maps do not make your work. Your texturing is abysmal and should be one of the first things that you should look into. When you're doing environment art, your mesh and it's texture help the viewer better understand what they're looking at and gives atmosphere to the surrounding area. Drop the normals for now and reap the benefits from texturing. It's just one phase in the area, but you really want to immerse the person, not confuse them.

    It looks chaotic is what I'm saying. The turret is just an eyesore though. The shack feels bland and irritating...tiling irritating. To be honest, if you took the normal map off of the cabin, it doesn't look as bad.
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