I remember seeing a periodic table looking chart for dDo a while back.
It basically had a bunch of color swatches that had numeric values listed by them; dDo would then use those color valuse to determine the material.
I can't seem to find it on the web; does anybody have a link? Or could you attach it to this thread?
This is close, the one I was looking for had the same material names, but it also had numeric values next to the colors. It was also arranged like a periodic table.
Or are you wanting to know what values ddo uses for diffuse, gloss and spec so you can do stuff by hand and have it consitient with results from ddo?
Did some googling...didn't see anything. I'm interested if this exists?
Thats really odd, well here is my tool to set the ddo materials on objects in maya
Here it is if anybody else is interested: