
Can someone point me to a vertex paint workflow with Maya (I use 2014) and Cryengine? I am struggling to learn this engine, and I can't find nearly as good and up to date tutorials and info on Cryengine as I could on UDK. In the official documentation, there is a workflow described for Max and XSI...but not for Maya. Maybe I could "reverse engineer" (kinda) the process, but I'd rather read it from someone knowledgable, first.
I tried this awesome tool, but it doesn't seem to work with Maya 2014:
What I did was I tried to load the shader into hypershade and got an "unknown file error". I'm trying to use dirtmaps on architecture and I need to figure this out, soon, because the model is ready for Uv'ing, and I need to test.
Thank you for your cooperation

Hello! In case you missed it... See here : http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=2015555&postcount=30
Also, under Window>Settings/Preferences>Plug-in Manager, make sure cgfxShader.mll is loaded!
However, in Cryengine/Sandbox, I can only assign one material at a time. Drives me nuts. Somehow the Material Ids aren't applied when exporting from Maya. Or what is the correct workfow to that?
Maya Materials:
Sorry for bombin' the forums with this quite a bit, but I feel like this is a great shader and tool to work with. It just needs a little more explanation for me to work. 99% is clear now, but how on earth do I export this shader into Sandbox?
I've got a mesh with 3 separate materials assigned, was looking for the proper way to paint moss on the second material in CryEngine.
You don't export this to Sandbox... This is just a shader to preview your vertex paint in Maya or 3DS Max. Not something you can export. This isn't a material...
Just assign your regular Crytek shader and export into engine, and match your setting from Maya/Max, and plug them into the editor.
I suggest visiting the documentation. http://freesdk.crydev.net/display/SDKDOC2/Blend+Layer
Make sure you have "BlendLayer" Checked under Shader Generation Params.
The moss would only be applied to the individual sub-material you applied it to. I haven't done it for Max, but in Maya, before I export out, I generate a material file that includes the separate materials I created in Maya.
It'd be something like:
House1(the name of the .mtl file generated that is loaded in CE3)
-Roof(the name of the individual sub-mats)
-and so on
You'd apply the Blend Shader for the moss for one, or more, of those submaterials.
The model is fine, the materials are fine. It's just one little option I forgot to tick off, because it is context sensitive and not always visible in the exporter. If you have the problem I had (one mesh, multi-materials) try this.
You want to tick off "Do not merge nodes" after selecting your cryExportNode. This exports the material IDs with the affiliated meshes and keep it separated. The shader doesn't translate 1:1 to Sandbox though. I think in order to make the dirtmap-mask to work you have to put it in the Alpha of your diffuse. I'm still checking everything out.
Kinda odd when you have a huge problem for days and it's just to tick off an import option. I would have, if it wasn't usually hidden and if Crytek (just for once) would have given a little more than the bare essentials on their product. I don't understand why their developer info has to be so brief. Of course I want to find something fast, but finding a particular piece of info for Cryengine means reading through their obsolete (old) documentation as well as their new. And then it still doesn't work...