Voting Period is over.
Chosen Concept Art for March is.
- Same deal as the last two times, folks. We the community as a whole will decide on what will we be working on for this March.
- Anyone can participate in the voting process, even if he or she doesn't participate in the Monthly Challenge itself
- You can vote on multiple pieces. Simply post or quote them in your reply.
- You may post interesting concept without actually voting for them. Simply state so when you do.
- If you want to discuss about the pieces, don't quote the images.
- The goal is to get better and to make stuff. So, pick challenging and fun piece (?)
- You will decide character budget on your own term. So don't base concept piece on low budget. Determine budget on the concept instead.
- Voting ends on the 27th Feb. Please refer to the countdown.
- If you already contact the creation of certain concept art, please state so as well (thus we don't all contact the poor guy with the same question)
- The actual challenge itself starts on 1st day of March, in its own thread which I will be creating then.
Popular Concepts from last month.
Dark District Doctor
Fire Plains Girl
Michal Dziekan
Jay Choi
Young-june Choi
Arthur Gimaldinov
Arthur Gimaldinov
We need a female again and we didn't tackle hardsurface yet.
This one is very interesting! Hard Surface, clothes, and female anatomy, plus it's doable in one month !
My Vote
Oh I really hope people will vote for this one.
And from the concepts already posted :
I have no idea how to do characters, I don't know anatomy but since I got a game art job now I wanna start learning, I might just participate and you all can laugh at my failings.
Lots of nice concept there, wow #_# Having a hard time decide :P
This is my vote, this character design is great.
@Prism: Nice selection
@Kapoff: Agreed!
My vote (if we had to pick one I'd say the last guy).
Personally I feel like one of the strengths of the challenge is that everyone is working on the same thing. If you are struggling with one single aspect of the character, there's a good chance someone else has had more success. If we allow different characters you may dilute that somewhat.
My Votes:
my votes thus far
Would be it helpfull y/n.
The Dark District Doctor: 6 votes
The monster-looking Zombie Crew: 7 votes
The Dark District Adviser Pilot Girl w Yellow Cape: 9 votes
My two votes.
EDIT: I'm just gonne leave this awesome piece that poped into my facebook feeb in a daily splitpaint group.