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Student Seeking Help.


My name is Carl Carmen, and I am currently a student at the International Academy of Design and Technology, or IADT for less of a mouthful, and I am studying Video Game Design/Development.

I am nearing the end of my time here, and I am currently enrolled in a class known as Capstone. The class requires that I have a mentor that will help me throughout the course, and give me feedback on tasks that I assign for myself, that cater towards my specific area of expertise.

I enjoy doing 3D art, texturing, and User Interface.

I am currently searching for someone in the field that can be my mentor.

If there is anyone, that is currently in the industry, that is willing to take time out of their busy schedule to help me, it would be immensely appreciated.

Any feedback toward me endeavor is appreciated as well! Thanks!

-Carl Carmen


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