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Need Modelling Help - Switching from Maya to Max

I'm following through an excellent tutorial from 3D World learning 3DS Max (With some great hard-surface tips thrown in) but running into speed bumps. I'm solid with Maya, so what I want to do with Max is the Maya equivalent of:

Select both objects > Combine > Merge Verts

Been scrapping through google searches for the past hour and getting nothing, at least nothing that makes sense.

Bonus - Is there a hotkey that allows you to repeat your previous action?



    Offline / Send Message
    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Not a Max user, but I have herd the word(s) weld and target weld before... maybe search for that until someone with actual Max experience responds.
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    Also not really a Max user, but I believe the semicolon key will repeat your last tool. Holding shift and dragging out a face/edge will extrude it.

    The equivalent to Maya's Mesh > Combine in Max is called Attach. Activate the button, click on the objects you want to combine, then deactivate the button (I think right clicking is a shortcut to deactivating tools).

    Hopefully this is all accurate :)
  • interrogator_chaplain
  • onionhead_o
    Online / Send Message
    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    there is a way to combine objects like Maya in Max.

    under the Utilities tab> Collapse> Output Type: Mesh> Single object> Collapse Selected> remember to Convert To Editable Poly> Done
  • interrogator_chaplain
    New question, what's the Max equivalent of "Delete History"? I'm finding that I'm unable to split poly's along the corners of squares. When I use the cut tool, I can select one corner vert and drag along diagonally to the opposite corner but it won't allow me to connect. Thinking it might have something to do with my history, maybe??
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    max has no delete history or node system like maya just modifers
  • JamesTKirk
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    JamesTKirk polycounter lvl 8
    I'd also like to add that "attach" command in max actually merges polygons from other objects to the selected one, keeping all its properties like local axes and animation, and doesn't create new object like maya does. It can be very useful in some situations.

    3ds max always tries to avoid nonmanifold topology so it won't allow you to cut polygon if there are some problems with normals for example. Post screenshot to tell for sure.
  • phixel
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    phixel polycounter lvl 7
    The cut and slice tools in Max are used for cutting polygons, if you want to separate an object along an edge, use either "Break" when in vertex mode, or "Split" in edge mode. Weld is used to weld edges or verts together (clicking on the little box next to Weld will open a window to set tolerances) target weld will weld one vertex to another if the topology will allow it (i.e: if your normals are flipped on one poly and you try target welding to another, Max won't let you.) Also, only verts that are part of the same object can be welded or target welded.
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