Hey all! Pretty new poster not sure if this is the best place for this question.
I'm having an issue with importing a Summons for Beast Master. I've skinned him up using the rig from the original bird summon. I've made sure my affect bone limit is set to 3. I go into the workshop to import the bird. Wearable items (which seems wierd) > import beastmaster > ability 2 (which is listed on his workshop page as the bird ability).
When I import the bird everything imports successfully but then he is displayed on the podium with the beast master and he seems to be skinned somehow to the bones of the hero. Picture below. In game he is still positioned like this under the hero and when The in game summon ability is used he summons the original bird model.
Can anyone with a little more experience be able to help me out?
Am In the right place for importing this summon?

Good luck!
You saved me good sir, thank you!