Hi, I'm going to be posting my wips and later final image of my project here which is going to be a realistic viking warrior/ Geat warrior. Please feel free to comment, criticises and post links to references that you believe can help me throughout this project.
I plan to adapt the lowpoly for the new consoles in terms of resolution and polycount, I've only done some light googling on this so please share what you know on that part as well
Looks awesome. There are two things I noticed that you might want to revise though. Firstly, there is some obvious weirdness with the chainmail pattern, pariticularly the diagonal line it makes across his chest. Secondly, the small circular dents in his helmet's cheek plates seem a little uniform.
Killer detail on the top of the helm though. The folds around the belt are excellent too.
Looks awesome. There are two things I noticed that you might want to revise though. Firstly, there is some obvious weirdness with the chainmail pattern, pariticularly the diagonal line it makes across his chest. Secondly, the small circular dents in his helmet's cheek plates seem a little uniform.
Killer detail on the top of the helm though. The folds around the belt are excellent too.
I experimented a lot with creating a chainmail and using zbrush mircomesh was the least painful method I found, got some weird error tough. The circular dents are supposed to be hammer marks left from the blacksmiths hammer, but now when I look at them they're a bit small:/
Damn. The exact words I said when I scrolled down to those sculpt shots. Love this piece so far man, this dude now needs some serious texture love when you get around to baking. Nice work man, knock this one out of the park.
Finished the head and hands, the head though looks like the typical tough guy that is in every game, not sure how I'm going to make it more interesting but it's going to have lots of hair and a big beard when I'm done.
Going to create hair cards for the lowpoly so the sculpted hair is just to set the feeling right.
You seem to have gotten most things spot on accuracy wise, but if you are after anymore reference, get your hands (eyes?) on the movie 'Beowulf & Grendel'.
Pretty good movie, and very accurate armour and weapon props, made by armourers who specialised in Vendel/Viking age gear.
(it appears the whole movie is available on youtube too...)
Would really like to see what your workflow/process was building this, that helmet is amazing, and the detail on your chain armour is astounding... gonna make any tuts outta this project??
The detail on the helmet is just gorgeous. I really like the inconsistencies in the chain mail as well (broken links, uneven spaces in places, etc.). Lovely work so far
Thanks Jarvgrimr, for the movie tip. I'm going to create a spear and a shield for the character so I might record some of that.
Final highpoly sculpt, hope you guys like it
Thanks Jarvgrimr, for the movie tip. I'm going to create a spear and a shield for the character so I might record some of that.
Hope the movie can provide some entertainment/inspiration. If you do get the time to record some of your workflow, I'd be most grateful, your work is amazing!
The clothing and armour look amazing, however you really need to revisit those hands. There's a lot of misplaced fat deposits and indications of muscles on them that need changed, and those fingers man, especially the thumbs just look really quite broken.
Here's a few decent ref shots you might want to start with:
A lot of the changes could be done simply with the move and transpose tools to some degree so you won't have to sacrifice a vast amount of the detail work you've already done. Hopefully that wasn't too harsh but I feel that the rest of the models quality far exceeds them and they should be brought up to the same level before you call the sculpt complete.
Thank you mazz423, I'm texturing the armor atm, after that I will revisit the head and hands with fresh eyes from being away from it a while.
Thanks also for the references and no worries, be harsh everyone!
Posting some texture wips, lemme know what you think.
Found this site about killzones nextgen specs: http://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/tech-specs-of-killzone-sf-and-crysis-3-character-m-29419004/
Still got the head and hands to convert into lowpoly but my full character will be about 40k triangles.
Feel like the lightning changes so much when I switch sky in marmoset 2, hard to get the right specular and gloss ammount on the diferent materials.
Looks amazing man! I feel like there might be a bit too much AO in some of the fabric, particularly the off-white coloured pieces. I'm not sure if this is through your albedo or your AO map, may help to see some texture flats? Gorgeous work though the sculpt is fantastic
Killer detail on the top of the helm though. The folds around the belt are excellent too.
I experimented a lot with creating a chainmail and using zbrush mircomesh was the least painful method I found, got some weird error tough. The circular dents are supposed to be hammer marks left from the blacksmiths hammer, but now when I look at them they're a bit small:/
Going to create hair cards for the lowpoly so the sculpted hair is just to set the feeling right.
You seem to have gotten most things spot on accuracy wise, but if you are after anymore reference, get your hands (eyes?) on the movie 'Beowulf & Grendel'.
Pretty good movie, and very accurate armour and weapon props, made by armourers who specialised in Vendel/Viking age gear.
IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0402057/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Trailer: [ame="
(it appears the whole movie is available on youtube too...)
Would really like to see what your workflow/process was building this, that helmet is amazing, and the detail on your chain armour is astounding... gonna make any tuts outta this project??
Final highpoly sculpt, hope you guys like it
Hope the movie can provide some entertainment/inspiration. If you do get the time to record some of your workflow, I'd be most grateful, your work is amazing!
So good!
Here's a few decent ref shots you might want to start with:
A lot of the changes could be done simply with the move and transpose tools to some degree so you won't have to sacrifice a vast amount of the detail work you've already done. Hopefully that wasn't too harsh but I feel that the rest of the models quality far exceeds them and they should be brought up to the same level before you call the sculpt complete.
Thanks also for the references and no worries, be harsh everyone!
Found this site about killzones nextgen specs: http://www.gamespot.com/forums/system-wars-314159282/tech-specs-of-killzone-sf-and-crysis-3-character-m-29419004/
Still got the head and hands to convert into lowpoly but my full character will be about 40k triangles.
Feel like the lightning changes so much when I switch sky in marmoset 2, hard to get the right specular and gloss ammount on the diferent materials.