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UI Artist Recruitment for Pirates, Vikings, & Knights II

Ahoy there!

We are in need of an UI Artist to help make our game look better than ever. Your art could really shine in a fantastical, wild universe. This hobby Steam game project would be something different that could boost your portfolio for potential future contracts in the industry. We see thousands of new players join our community every time we release a major update on Steam, and one is right around the corner...

If you are interested, OctoShark Studios is currently recruiting and open to contributions!

Our first game is...
Download on Steam at store.steampowered.com/app/17570
A FREE Source Game that only requires Source SDK Base 2007 - free for download in Tools section.
Now with new 2.6 Map & Balance Update!

Are you GREAT?
Do others envy your SKILLS?
Do you have a strong passion for game design?
If you answered YES to all of the above, you may be just what we are looking for! So, if you think you have what it takes to be a member of a talented and dedicated game development team, please let me know if you are interested!

Priority Positions:

UI Artist - We are looking for high quality updates to our menus, HUDs, and other 2D assets. Accessibility is king in our next updates as we expect thousands of players to play our game around its time of release, so we want to implement a hint system, tutorials, etc. We could use assistance in the future with redesigning: the HUD, the main website, and the user interfaces in game. UI artists would need to be a team player with our coders, team leads, and a lot of inspiration would have to come through that teamwork such as creative alternatives, new perspectives, and critical thinking.

Environmental Artist - Call yourself a mapper, a level designer, or an environment artist- it doesn't matter. Preferably though. you should know how to make your own props. You should also know all there is to know about the theories and practices of level design for multiplayer environments. Above all, you should know how to make a fun, visually appealing kickass map.

3D Modeler - Whether you specialize in characters, weapons or props, we need you! Must be able to produce lovely-looking models that fit in with PVKII's art style.

Animator - Must be capable of producing realistic looking animations that flow well. Must also have experience with the source engine and the process of compiling animations into the model.

Character Artist - Able to model a variety of grizzled badass characters that will be featured as classes in PVK. You should have a damn good grasp of anatomy, proportion, visualizing edgeloops, and modeling with animation in mind. We're not kidding here- you should practically be able to model with your hands behind your back! You should also be comfortable modeling high resolution models and normal mapping techniques. 3ds max users preferred.

2D Artist/Illustrator/Texture Artist/UI Artist - Could be one person, could be three. As you can probably see from this almost completely art-free advertisement, we need experienced 2D artists capable of producing a variety of different types of 2D art, and regularly. You need to be able to produce textures, class icons, concept art, graphics for promotional material and all that fun stuff. Whatever you see yourself doing, we can find a task fit for you that would also be fit for the game.

More Info...
Our game is already released on Steam for free.
( http://store.steampowered.com/app/17570 ) We currently work on updating it with additional features, environments, and other assets. We do this as a hobby, and if you choose to work on it, you will be given credit for any assets you provide. We don't currently anticipate any money coming in from this project. If that changes down the road, you will be compensated a share of any profits resulting from your work.

If you pursue this opportunity, your work would be 100% yours for your portfolio. This would be an opportunity for you to certainly beef up and add even more variety to your portfolio. Here is an example of one of our developer's portfolio http://www.jrporter.com/gameart/

PVK2 Development
This is an exciting time to be a PVK2 Dev. We are actively working towards our next update which will be on the Source SDK 2013 Multiplayer Engine, and will feature many updates in new maps, class balance, combat mechanics, and characters. 3.0 will bring in many new players as our official out of beta gold release, and after that we want to ship in even more content through SteamPipe to enhance the game. We will also start up our live stream beta tests again to show off new content and have discussions with team members to talk about their work past, present, and future.

Time Management
Ideally, we like to recruit talent and have them produce as a developer, however we are also open to those who would like give contributions be it a texture set, a few models, a map, or a character. The former expects those applying to be active, and the latter is a "produce when you feel like" option. As an example, a 3D Artist helping to develop for PVK2 would make 10-15 or more models a year, have much more of an impact through work and voice, and always have a task to work on, and all of that will get to be seen by thousands. A contributor would be more random in production. Some people drop off a texture and model set and never show again, and others provide a few models a year. All work will be credited on the main site.

We'd love to have talent onboard as a pvkii team matey, helping us with anything, and working in a way that fits your schedule. Your work would be seen and appreciated by thousands, so if you up for a new challenge...buckle up and apply :D

Here's how to apply! (Please read guidelines and expectations before applying!)
1. Application Forums: http://forums.pvkii.com/index.php?showforum=54
2. Application Guidelines: http://forums.pvkii.com/index.php?showtopic=6465
3. Applicant Expectations: http://forums.pvkii.com/index.php?showtopic=12889

Feel free to add me to steam friends at http://steamcommunity.com/id/kernontop/ and we can talk more!
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