Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Griffin

polycounter lvl 6
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Griffin polycounter lvl 6
Hey folks!

I'd like to share with you some concept art and sketches I've been working on.
Feel free to leave feedback or critique, as I'm always looking for ways to improve the usefulness and appeal of my designs.

A quick blurb about myself: I'm a multi-discipline game artist, the only thing that really unifies my skillset is a love for visualizing and creating worlds along-side the stories that go with them. I get my inspiration from a few key sources: books, hiking/backpacking in the pacific northwest, and living viscerally through the internet.

If you're inspired by anything I post, and want to translate it into a 3d environment, you have my total support!

Here's a few recent ones to start things off:





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