I have followed a few different tutorials. All show the same method of swapping to your second UV channel and resetting the UV's.
However, every time i swap to the second channel, I am prompted with a message asking me if i want to move or abandon changes. When I choose to abandon (as i don't wish to move my co-ordinates to the second channel), I am given a new UV layout.
I sort it and save it. Then when i move back to the first, it's not the layout i had left for the purpose of my diffuse map.
I know this is an extremely basic problem. I'm trying to work through these Noob errors so that i can get into the swing of working on my first UDK environment.
Also, I'm aware that you can generate a lightmap within UDK by using the generate unique UV's option. I just assumed that this would only be used with props that had simple map layout's?
(When i used this method for a tileable floor plane, The generated lightmap was flush within the UV window, with no padding at all, so it had a nice clean shadow running across it but showed up a fairly bad seam where it met the next tile...)
I appreciate any help that anyone can provide.
Yeah, it's quite confusing. I just created a simple barrel. Unwrapped it in Channel 1. saved my co-ordinates and move to channel 2. Clicked abandon when prompted. reset the UV layout and sorted them out accordingly. I then didn't even bother going back to channel 1. I just finished the unwrap. collapsed the stack and exported. When i opened in UDK, it had 2 channels but only channel 2 (last to be edited) was in tact, the way i had unwrapped) Channel 1 (My intended diffuse layout) was a mess...
So confusing.
So separate UVW unwrap modifiers? I See... I'll give that a try.
Thanks again for the response dude
EDIT - Liam, your a genius dude Using separate unwrap modifiers sorted it all. I never had this issue with other versions. When i was in 10 i don't think i even got a change/abandon prompt!
Anyways, thanks for the help. So simple. I think I've just been getting to frustrated with it. A fresh bit of insight was all i needed. All the best!
I need to re-shoot it as I cringe at it now but hopefully it might be of some use to ya
Cheers for the shout dude. Sorted in two ways :P
You can bake lightmaps for Unity and basically any engine in any 3D software. I'd like to see you try that for UDK. I go mental over this! After what - ten years of working and improving the same engine, EPIC doesn't manage to get simple things right. Like, who decided to put the normal axis to -y in UDK. And why was that never changed? It would be okay, if the UDK lightmapper worked, but it is the shabbiest thing I have ever seen. Buy Beast? - I wish.
If anyone actually has info on baking lightmaps for UDK, I'd gladly see it! As far as I know it is impossible without a commercial license for UE3.
I was refering to baking lightmaps manually, using Maya, instead of UDK. Then importing them and using them as replacement for the ugly UDK "low budget" lightmaps.