I'm in the middle of trying to re-topologise a dragon I'm working on,I figured i'd start with the hardest part first, the head. The problem is I've got a ton of horns and teeth to do, and the teeth are an absolute pain to do.
My first question is - would it be more beneficial to do the teeth as a separate object, or should i continue making the mesh all one object?
The second question is if i made them separate, would this help or hinder the baking and texturing process? the only downside i can see to making them separate would be the baking of the border between the teeth and the gums, plus would baking AO need to be done separate too?
I'm hoping some wisdom could help me with this predicament! got an image below so you can see the situation atm, I'd be grateful for any advice on the topology as I've attached too seeming as I've never done a dragon head before!

2) you need to bake them one by one, as intersections will give you bad results (e.g. black parts/spots), so you will have to bake the teeth and the head seperate. you could also paint a bit of the gum on the teeth to make the border more smooth. (a bit like this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jGyzCFXlWXw/TksMaTZX0tI/AAAAAAAAENs/yZG4pK_ecMo/s1600/crayola%2Bmodel%2Bmagic%2Bmonster%2Bteeth.jpg)
hope that helps you out a bit
For example, I see edge loops around lower jaw teeth and those could just be collapsed poles, which you can later chamfer into that shape, then extrude them out. The main thing to worry about is transition of flesh to teeth and if it's for game then you really shouldn't worry a lot about it. That's for polishing.
Similar goes for the horn, just have the geometry there to support modelling it out in max/maya like the teeth.