I'm starting to make my models for a game environment I am creating in UDK. I would like to keep the poly-count on each model relatively low. Mesh smooth seems to give me better results with a lower poly-count. Is there any technical reason that I shouldn't use mesh-smooth and use turbo-smooth instead?
In the past Meshsmooth was used a whole lot more, this was before they made a new modifier called turbosmooth. Turbosmooth will give you better result with heavy meshes than meshsmooth. Overall they react the same but turbo is a notch better for extremely large scene.
However none of the two will be of any help for game engine like UDK. People will tend to want lower Polycounts in game engines for realtime playing. Send them in zbrush instead.
The high poly (turbosmoothed/mesh smoothed) version will never be used in game. Only the final version of the low poly with the different maps as textures.
I agree with the above. If you still want to use meshshooth/turbosmooth use them in Vray, which is a render engine and is made for those two.
StaticMesh: 65535 ( 16 bit index) vertexes
SkelMesh : 4,294,967,295 ( 32 bit index) vertexes
45k tris seems to be normal for "next-gen" characters.
OK cool. It gives me a bit more room then I thought. Thanks
Good point I will take this into consideration.:)