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Problems with texture stretching while painting rock in Mudbox

polycounter lvl 4
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grimsonfart polycounter lvl 4

Lately i have been having troubles when painting rocks and tree trunks in Mudbox. I guess it has something to do with my UV mapping, even though i use roadkill UV's stretching feature, and when im done mapping my rock it shows all clear.

I have done the same procedure before without all these problems, they just suddenly came up.


  • MM
    Offline / Send Message
    MM polycounter lvl 18
    that is just the nature of projection painting.

    you just need to paint carefully while using the projection tool.

    you only want to paint on faces that are relatively facing straight to the camera. paint small areas at a time, rotate your view and paint again.
  • grimsonfart
    Offline / Send Message
    grimsonfart polycounter lvl 4
    Im trying, but if i do as you say, stretching will show up somewhere else, and so on. Its like whenever i fix the stretching on one side, the otherside will start to stretch etc...

    EDIT: The tip you gave about only painting what i could see helped. When i painted i went all the way to the edges of what i could see, which somehow made it stretch, now it works great :D

    Thanks !
  • oglu
    Offline / Send Message
    oglu polycount lvl 666
    activate the angle based masking... its in the falloff tab of the brush... with this option the brush wont paint areas facing away from the camera...
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