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WIP Portal Basement Concept

polycounter lvl 10
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Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
Hey everyone

I am a student currently but I do work on my own time as well. I needed more experience with UDK so I started up on this concept I saw for portal.

I have about 4 years previous experience with modding for the source engine but as of recently I have wanted to step up my game with a more up to date engine simply to create better environments.

I have a lot to learn still so any suggestions or advice is welcome

This is the concept, the artist unknown.


Here's where I've managed to get so far

It was pretty hard to understand exactly what was happening in the concept so I had to work around the perspective and models. I wasn't sure of the ceiling or side walls so I just put in some rocks. Also I'm fairly certain that the ground is a channel of water but I haven't gotten to that point yet.
There are wires and other debris in the foreground which I also have to get to.
In the background of the concept above the tile wall it looks like there's a wall of pipes. I was wondering If I really should try doing this but it may screw around with my main light source.
The scene is also in a green hue But it was hard to find exactly what I wanted so I disabled any colour correction for now.
I am not going for a completely optimized environment so polycount isn't a big issue, ive mostly been using meshlab for highpolys and fixing up a bit and applying a uv unwrap.

Things I am currently unhappy with are:
- The rocks, they don't look quite right but I cant quite put my finger on it, I think I have to make them in much larger chunks.
- The transition between the curb on the left and the ground including the pebbles in it. Its currently using a displacement map with dx11.
- Need to finish foreground details (debris, wires)
- Where exactly is this supposed to be in portal? The depths like in portal 2? That wouldn't explain the lighting though.

- first - http://i.imgur.com/dzfmiId.jpg

Let me know what I should do, I really need suggestions and critiques on where to take this because it needs a lot of work still.

if any additional info is needed I can provide.

Ive redone the left side and ceiling in the foreground. Want to know if its looking alright before filling in the rest of the detail. Personally I think it lost a bit of contrast by doing this but it holds more true to the concept so I will stick with it.
- second -


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I liked the round and circle shapes in the composition of the concept, you kinda broke that by making the tunnel exit more of a tear drop shape, and by making the left wall more rigid and straight.

    I would like to see the water more broken up by things sticking out and through the water.

    I think you should add the wires on the left side of the concept, those lines lead you into the piece.
  • Jimonions
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    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah you're right about that. I need to redo the entire foreground because its just not doing right.
  • Jimonions
    Offline / Send Message
    Jimonions polycounter lvl 10
    updated op

    I've redone the left side and ceiling in the foreground. Want to know if its looking alright before filling in the rest of the detail. Personally I think it lost a bit of contrast by doing this but it holds more true to the concept so I will stick with it.
    The wall was looking a bit empty so I put in some destruction but it looks a little overdone. Worst case I can just remove it from the high poly layer.
    Also I cant find any good tutorials for making a simple water material can anyone recommend? I wanted to do something like dirty drain water.
    - second -

    I've been looking at some more references and I think I have an idea on how to do the ceiling properly.

    EDIT: putting this on hold to do the monthly, this months concept has hit my interest.
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