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Portfolio Critique

polycounter lvl 9
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Zin83 polycounter lvl 9
I've been working on my portfolio lately and I need some feedback.



  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11
    You're portfolio has a basic simple to read layout which is good.

    You might want to consider giving your professional work a little more emphasis rather then small and at the bottom of your front page. That being said i would like to see some nice breakdowns of your pro work (wireframes and textures) rather than in game screenshots.

    As far as your personal work i really like your environments and i feel they're more pleasing to look at then separate props. maybe trying picking a few of your best Props and making a single page for them, rather than 4 or 5 prop pages

    Great work :)
  • mr_ace
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    mr_ace polycounter lvl 9
    Looks good Dave, my biggest issue is the size of the images. When I click on a page, say your sci-fi corridor, the images I'm presented with are really small, like 500 pixels high. Most people have at least a 1000 pixel high monitor, so I have to really stare at it to see it properly, or click the image for the full image to load up. I'd like the initial images to be much bigger on the screen.

    I also find the images load pretty slow, though that might just be my internet
  • paulsvoboda
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    paulsvoboda polycounter lvl 12
    There's some nice stuff in here!
    As far as portfolio layout, in general it's fine, however, when I first loaded up your home page I saw 2 items and immediately thought that that was it. Added to the fact that both are quite small, nothing grabbed me and I almost closed the tab. I think you would benefit by putting a larger display of your body of work on the front page instead of making people click the top links.
    Most of your work is pretty good, I especially like the tram car; I think it has the cleanest, most readable diffuse out of all your stuff and really lets the other parts of the material do their job.
    I haven't spent a huge amount of time looking through but on first impression I think most of your environments would benefit greatly from a quick relight. Most of them are extremely high in contrast, large parts going into full black. I think a similar critique extends to some of your textures. A lot of them tend to be pretty noisy in the diffuse and heavy on the AO. Let the lighting do that, right now you have high contrast lighting on top of high contrast textures, and it's hurting portions of your scene. I think easing up on both could go a long ways.
    I think you've chosen some pretty strong shots for the environments though, and I generally like a lot of what you've put up there.
  • michaelkr
    i generally agree with what everyone else is saying. I think your environments look pretty sweet and i think your props are good as well. I do agree that maybe there are too many clicks needed to see your larger images. I would try maybe just placing all your larger images on the first page and getting rid of all your second and third pages. Otherwise, great work!
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