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Photoshop > Mudbox problem

polycounter lvl 18
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GoK polycounter lvl 18
Hi, first thanks for the help!

I am using the screen projection in mudbox to create textures for a model and its been working fine up until now. What im doing is..

-File>Export screen to PSD
-Editing the image of my mudbox screen when it shows up in PS
-saving the file (making sure the layer structure is intact from mudbox)
-hitting the "re-import" button on the "watching file" box in mudbox.

Normally this updates my current diffuse layer in mudbox with the edits made in PS, but for some reason its started giving me a message saying "modifications found in imported texture layer -- auto projecting"

This gives me a stencil instead of automatically updating the layer... any ideas what im doing wrong?

Again thanks guys you rock!



  • GoK
    Offline / Send Message
    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    Ok so this is driving me crazy I just cant figure it out at all, Iv searched everywhere and nothing. I cant be the only person to have had this problem.. :(

    Another issue im having is with the Z draw order in Mudbox, Any transparent areas drawn behind another shows as transparent.. I take it there is no way to control this?


  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    i think its a bug in mudbox, I ran into it a few times with the import Projection. my workaround is to flood the mesh with the stencil without moving the camera.
  • GoK
    Offline / Send Message
    GoK polycounter lvl 18
    awesome thanks for the reply, could you elaborate a little more im not 100% sure on what you mean by "flood the mesh"

    Thanks again!
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 16
    its the Flood from Camera button under steady stroke in the Projection Properties.

    Edit: also turning on the falloff based on facing Angle will fade the edges on the silhouette so it blends better.
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