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Best way to describe what you want in concept art

polycounter lvl 10
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anomandarius polycounter lvl 10
Hello all, I have a couple of different projects that I need concept art on and I want to be sure and dot he best I can so I'm fair to the artist and still get what I'm after.

The first is a MOBA-like game I'm working on for the 1 game a month challenge.

The second is a cover for a book that a friend is writing.

My inclination is to provide a bunch of images from google that typify what I have in mind. Is there more to it? Could any artists explain what is particularly useful to them?

I'm also not wanting to nail down exactly what I'm after because I want the artist to have room to be creative. Is this instinct helpful or is it an invitation to miscommunication?

Any help would be appreciated.


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