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Need Animator/Rigger for Puzzle/Adventure Game Over 1 Semester

About the project
I'm heading a (University) student project to make a game titled Shroud and we're short an animator/rigger. We've turned down all applicants from the uni for quality control. We've got an 8-man team of programmers, modelers, and a musician starting development soon. Also, QA.

Shroud is a one-player adventure-puzzle game where you simultaneously control two characters (one here, one prev post). You arrive at a company-town consumed in a dark shroud, representative of economic depression. It’s Shelly’s job (and by extension, the player’s job) to get the town up and running again by solving puzzles with her trusty robot to repair the town’s machinery. Both characters, Shelly & Mal-Bot, have a limited amount of steam to keep them safe from the shroud, so players will need to manage their time and solve puzzles or reach safe-points before their steam/lifeline runs out. The game will be made in Unity3D).

I'm the lead / a programmer on the team. Myself and one of the two 3D artists have done this before. I'll post a video and pics of our previous game after this post.

tl;dr: You control two characters simultaneously and have a time-limit. Unity3D.
What I need
    2 rigged humanoids
    6 animations (three for each rig)
Just rigs for minimum viable product.

The Project takes place over this coming semester, the goal is to have all of the assets in by April 1st.
Some concept work we've done



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