Hi Polycounters!
The Video Tutorial from Professor Poly makes me slowly start learning Max.
I think that i can use Maya "Good" and now i want to expand my skills to Max.
I didn´t watched the tutorial yet, so i have a few questions about some tools in Max.
1. Where is the Create Polygon Tool in Max?

2. Can i set the EdgeLoops in Max like in Maya?
When i choose "Multiple edge loops" and set it to 1, maya automaticly create a edge loop exactly in the middle between two edges. Is this in Max possible?
And can i make more Edge Loops suddenly?

3. In Maya i can Merge two Vertices to the center, or to the target vertex. How this works in Max and where is this function hidden?

4. How can i combine 2 Meshes to one Mesh?

5. I load my references pictures with this little Icon. Must i use a Plane in Max or is there a "quick load" Icons for pictures, too?

This is pretty cool, because i just have to switch to the camera that i want to have the reference on and then i can load it in, without to create a plane and to assign a new material.
Hope, you guys can help me out!
Greetings from Germany,
2. That's called Connect in 3ds Max. I find it is actually much more powerful in Max. Select two or more edges and hit the options box next to the Connect button.
3. Merging is called Welding in 3ds Max. You can also Target Weld one vertex onto another.
4. Try the Bridge command or just weld them. Unless you mean making two meshes as one, in that case you would use the Attach command.
5. I've never used that button in Maya, but in 3ds Max I've always hit the + button in any viewport, go to Configure Viewports, and Background tab. Or you could create the plane with texture map.
Hope that helps.
4. Can use the weld or collapse if you dont want new polys in between. If it is 2 separate objects then you can use the attach button to make it 1.
Will focus your answers in my next Max Session
Question: Why the Swift Loop Tool is getting Off when i use the tool with SHIFT?
Edit: The first Swift Loop with SHIFT pressed, camed out great. But the second and all other after the second one get placed messy...
Alt+B ? Create a Plane ?
And how can i set the Mesh that i only see the Wireframe in the "Left" Viewport and in all other viewports shaded? Its stupid that i can´t see my reference Picture in the Left Viewport
When i Press F3 in the Left Viewport, the Picture becomes not visible,too