I wanted to try an environment with curves since that's something that I have not tried before. Does anybody have any lessons learned from making snaking or rounded environments or have any good resources for planning them out? Thanks for taking a look.:)
I used Maya but I might end up doing some things in Max.
Does anyone know what I need to do to make the lighting smooth? You can see how it doesn't look like a rounded wall right now.
Or you could try to make it look like modular pieces with hard edges. You can try to bevel the corners so it looks more natural.
I have them as modular pieces which fit together at 18 degree angles right now (so 20 pieces would make a complete circle) but I feel like I should be able to get smooth lighting around the edges. Will adding edge loops around the edges give me smoother lighting?
Is there any point to doing it like this? I'm not trying to be rude but it over complicates the ideology behind what modularity is.
If you made a few different pieces with slightly different angles that included 90 degree's 180 degrees and 45 degree's you should be able to get what you are looking for but with smoother shadows and it's easier to assemble within engine.
Using very small sections and assembling them in engine will just make your life harder unless you plan on making each individual section unique.
I had thought that it would be bad to use larger pieces like that since it would mean my meshes would be more complex. (A 90 degree section would have 5 windows and 5 times the triangles, etc.) but it looks like that's probably the right way to go about this. Thanks.
I know what you are saying, But majority of the time the easy route within the modeling stage usually affects the final in engine mesh more, resulting in a lot more headaches and a lot more time trying to fix the issues that were caused by trying to over think things.
I have a friend that does this all the time so I know exactly what you were thinking with making more than one mesh, but it's always good to think logistically with environments than over complicating things.
The less you have on your plate in engine the more fun you will have assembling it
glhf with the project
It's been interesting planning this out in my head.