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A Glitch in Luna

polycounter lvl 3
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Reza polycounter lvl 3
hey guys

I found a glitch in Luna and I just submitted it on Dota Developers forum, but I post it here too since I want to know if you guys are experiencing the same issue or it's only me begin a beginner :)

Here is the report:


There is a bug in luna model.
1.After using ulti (or maybe other skills) the edge of the weapon will glow. But when you submit a new weapon for her in workshop there is no option for particle effect so the glowing will remain the same and will not follow the new design.
(Here on this example I made a very tiny model of the weapon to clearly show the glitch)


2.When attacking multiple enemy targets, the new weapon won't bounce, the default one does.
( You can clearly see the effects are very big while my weapon is very small + the default weapon is flying mid air :D )


3.I thought this new update has fixed this issue as it seems very obvious but when I tried to submit my weapon I found something very strange. If you select a hero and it's item that doesn't have particle option such as weapon for Axe or in this case Luna, no particle option will show up. After that if you select a hero and it's item that has particle option such as weapon for antimage the particle option will be there. Now the strange part is that when you go back and select the previous hero , such as Axe or Luna, then the particle option will apear and will accept a mesh model but it won't work in the game. This error is more than a visual glitch and is a bug in dota workshop but since it's related to the topic I brought it up here. So please let the folks in charge know about this (I don't know where else I can report a bug)



  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    There is no glitch
    It's just the fact that Valve did not add a particle effect option for Luna yet so
    don't worry about it, turn it in, and if Valve like the weapon they will change it themselves. I do believe (and if this is not true please correct me) the weapon bounce is just a particle or it's own object that can't be changed like Pudge's hook until it was updated.
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