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Looking for Background Artist

polycounter lvl 9
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MonsterMan polycounter lvl 9
Hello Everyone,

We are currently searching for a background artist for a faux 3D tutorial game being developed for a client. We are searching for an artist that can create 10 backgrounds for 10 different levels of the game.

The viewpoint is a dog's eye view. Environment examples are; swamp, forest, barn, under water, creek, icy lake, picnic etc.

We are looking for hand-painted digital HD backgrounds that have a cartoony/ old school Disney type feel. The backgrounds will be framed by 3d Assets and characters for the game. We can provide more information once an artist is selected and an NDA is signed.

Serious, experienced inquiries only. I can paint these backgrounds myself, but it would take me too long and we would like to find an artist that can get these done within a few days. (Paintings need to be good quality but do not need to be highly detailed) If everything works out, we may utilize you again for more level backgrounds as well as other digital artistic needs and games we have scheduled for development.

If interested, please send me a PM or e-mail (timothy.chappell@gmail.com) with your compensation requirements and a link to your portfolio.


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