Hi guys, I have recently been working on a modular environment for a 3D Isometric level. I' am fairly new to modular environments, so forgive me if there are mistakes. However any feedback/critiques are welcome, as it will help me to get alot better. Anyway here's my scene in the Day/Night enjoy!

Heres the technical details:

Heres some clearer samples, didn't know how much polycount resizes images sorry.

You say it's for a 3D Isometric level but your shots are more overview shots.
Well at the moment it is for University, we were told to create a modular environment that is game ready. We were unfortunatly limited by having a maximum of 15,000 tris and a maximum of 3 room. However I would like to continue the level development during chrismas as we finish uni this week. Hopefully I'll end up with a fully functunal level, well thats the goal anyway!
The feedback I'm looking for could be anything you can think of really. But examples could be;
Texture quility,
How the scene could have possibly been more modular,
Maybe how I can possibly set the scene more, as this is based in a sort of Japanese Dojo,
Even links to good online tutorials for UDK could be good to
And yes the images are more overview at the moment cause I don't have any functunal gameplay elements in yet. The shots you see are the angles for the player mainly. I also have a video I could upload if want? but it's mainly the standard UDK character walking through the parts of the level, while the cameras switch.