Welcome to our 10th monthly unofficial Dota 2 workshop friendly competition
This month we are keeping the single item style and this month of
December the theme will be
"Winter is coming"
which means that you can do a single item for any hero and the item need to fit the theme, what means that you can do something winter themed for Lina, we do not support that idea but everyone is free as soon as meet the winter theme.
be creative and think out of the box! =]
we are also planning to split the winners and create a new category based on creativity
The competition
the idea of the competition is to create items in a friendly environment and with the feedback of the other participants to get the best result possible.
The single item style is good for the guys that are not used to make items, sometimes they just need a little pull with references and deadlines to get an item done
From this month and the next ones, its mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!
Each month we are sponsored by
HANDPLANE, which give us 2 licenses to be handled to the 2 best items
Handplane is a tool for creating normal maps that are synced to specific game engines. Much like encoding and decoding an mp3, the math used to calculate tangent space must match between the normal map and the game engine. When the code does not match, you will often see gradients on your models. For workshop artists, this means you can eliminate the need for hard edges and supporting geometry that you would have otherwise used to control shading behavior. A video comparing different normal maps in the source engine:
handplane is free for non-commercial use and we explicitly allow commercial steam workshop development under the free license.
*** update, now its 4 licenses!, thanks Alec!
Getting your item displayed on the first post
PHP Code:
or this one for 2 creators
PHP Code:
set_name - name of your set, use equal as on the workshop
workshop_user_link - your workshop page, so people can browse your other items easily
Username - the name you think its easier to people find you, can be the one from polycount or the steam
item_link - the workshop page of your item
thumbnail_img - the image link of the thumbnail that is INSIDE your item page on the workshop
(the thumbnail is the one with 200 pixels wide, you can get from your items page or add Code:
to the end of the link)
**itens with larger thumbnails will not be accepted!**
- open for teams of any size
- its allowed one item per hero per team/person ( two or more items for the same hero made by the same team/person will not be accepted)
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works, the feedback should be constructive
- the final submition need to be a single item that doesnt break the rules
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline but not before the start of the competition
- The item should be made on the month of the competition, its ok to continue one started earlier, but you should work most of it during the month
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59 (since we live in different timezones, some submitions may be accepted couple hours after the deadline)
- From this month and the next ones, its mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!
---Tutorials/working in progress videoshttp://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=123800
Inspiring quotes
"It is absolutely insane the amount of top quality content that is being produced every single time here on Polycount. It's great to see so many cosmetics deliver not just on the technical end but also make for such great fittings in every other branch. You guys are doing an exceptional job and contests like this are only helping boost that exponentially. Brilliant stuff."
Wykrhm Reddy"It was bloody hard picking from this list, I honestly enjoyed all of the entries. Keep up the good work guys!"
Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
-Brandon Reinhart (Valve)
I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game
the presentation is a really important part on the workshop, save some time before the deadline for that. the first impression means a lot on the workshop.
If you want to fancy your presentation here is a the polycount logo over the aegis, there is no need of it to be used
Iceshard Cleaver by Andumy and Shock
Ushanka of the Winter Hunt by Rocket_Science
Glacial Night by Vayne and SLIMEface
Sir Frosty by Godzy and Shock and Harry Boltz
Rigor Mortis by Yuri and KAaS
Icy Edge by Nikey and KAas
Winter warior's cape by mihalceanu and TheBladeofEvil'sBane
creators: andumy + me
project: iceshard cleaver (tusk)
started working on this already since 3 days so we are already nearly finished
still there are some errors here and there so it might need a little more before we finish
and another project that just started:
creators: godzy + me
project: snowman ward
Here is my concept. I guess I will focus on either the cape or the hoodie for the contest.
btw i made so many concepts for that winterthing, and now i have so many projects running that i cant do them all -.-
so i got some things leftover, for example a courier that is just too big for my level. so those concepts would be up for grap:
Here's WIP:
Iceshard Cleaver by Andumy and Shock
more shots:
The claws will be bigger
rocketscience: i think the fur should be put into a couple of lumps and not just simple hair strokes, the beard is a great reference for big shapes and fine details. check it from a distance every now and then, it looks cool closeup but far away its just one solid mass, i'd say break that up a bit.
shock: i like it! i think it could use a bit more partially specular to enhance the crytal look of it, as right now the ice part feels a bit too soft for my taste.
And thanks Neox for the help on the feedbacks!
more shots: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=202755106
Thank you Neox, too bad I've read your post after I've made all maps
and the texture:
Glacial Night by Vayne and SLIMEface
We hope you like it.
Highly poly with initial polypaint:
And finished item:
Sorry about that and I guess it was a good call I posted sooner than later ^^. Added, your concept will have a hard time fitting into 250 tris limit of Lod1. Atleast, imo.
Concept+textures by Robo
Modeling by me (Nikey)
Some screenshotes with progress
Vayne4800, i like it but i think it's "too blue", i mean, it matches luna's default colors, which makes it look not-glacial enough :x
-Shock : I like your concept, but feel that the crysatls are a bit too soft in the sculpt. I would personnaly use a flatten brush to get some sharp and strong edges.
-ShoMek : Thx
Here is my progress.I will only submit the cape, but wanted to do the all set anyway.
Edit: taken
Frozen Desolator - Icy style
Really? Using the concept for the thumb?
Why no?
Name: Staff of the Hailing Spirit
Edit: Finally concept is showing xD
Generally speaking though, and since topic is brought up, I am not in favor of concepts or high poly models being used as promo material. I mean, you can get really good results with the low poly model, even though it might require a bit more effort.
But yeah, the lazy way out is to use concept or high poly
Necrophos Skythe with KAaS wip
I am also thinking on skipping the next month so we dont overlap both. What you guys think?
Yeah. The Workshop is getting more and more focused on whole sets and couriers, since single items are much much harder to get in-game, so the competition is unfortunately dying off.
GG wp
Sir Frosty by Godzy and Shock and Harry Boltz
plz be kind and leave us a like
PS: added some progress shots
Highpoly, textures, masks