Hope this is the right place to post!
Having severe issues with polypainting in Zbrush! Been at this for three hours now and have a headache but perhaps someone here can help.
On polypaint to ttexture on the subtool of the dragon's body, it is creating seams around individual polys (as if from level 1 although level 6 selected). I can't get rid of this! I have tried exporting and rebuilding uvs from scratch. I have tried reimporting the original low-poly model from Maya. I have tried seemingly everything I can think of
It looks like it is treating each poly as an "individual". I have checked original mesh - polys are fine. Have checked uvs. Uvs are fine. Even rebuilding uvs it is doing this... it is driving me MAD.
The other subtools are completely fine, I must add, as you can see from the wing membrane. All polypaint to texture is perfect.
Can anyone help?

Why is it doing this to me?

1. go to tool> Geometry>modify topology, then click
optimize points order, close holes, weld points, then redo the texture from polypaint
2.click cycle UV's 3 times, then redo polypaint (that comes from an old error in the program)
3. Finally if that doesent fix try tool>geometry> uv map, and increase your UV map boders to lets say 16 and redo the polypaint
4. if all else fails just try to unwrap it manually.
Polypaint can also be baked in xnormal
I have made slight progress - it turns out that the UVs in Maya are fine, but on importing the basemesh into zbrush something happens - if I then export the same base mesh out, the Uvs HAVE been separated into individual polys or small groups of polys? It's maddening!
But if the UVs themselves are being detached, trying using GoZ to transfer your Maya mesh to zbrush instead.