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Include Animation in Portfolio?

polycounter lvl 7
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Chiffy polycounter lvl 7
Hey guys, I'm building up my portfolio and am looking to get a job as 3D Character Artist who does modeling and texturing. Would it be good or bad if I included my model with animations I made for it? I'm not looking to be an animator, so my skills in that area aren't the best, but they're okay. Would it hurt my model and presentation to have a video with my model doing some animations that aren't quite accurate (average to good) to show it off better? I think if the animations look decent enough that it would enhance my presentation with the model in a game engine and environment, which is why I want to do it. I want to show that I have that knowledge and versatility yet don't actually want to be an animator.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Yes, it would hurt your porfolio if you included average animations. It would distract viewers from the modeling and texture work. If you want to use your animation skills, just show how well your models animate by putting them into more interesting poses (just don't make it distracting from your work).

    If you included animations with your models, people would think you want to be an animator.
  • Chiffy
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    Chiffy polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks Zac! That's what I initially suspected, I'll just rig them and put them into poses for more interesting shots. :)
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