title says it all. can it be done?
right now, inside the editor, if i have nothing selected the wireframe and the verts are both white. i need to select the entire "shell" just to see the verts in green.
i looked around in "color settings" but didnt see anything. maybe i missed it. any thoughts?

Dont know how to do it for unselected edges.
you could make a python shelf button with this code to toggle through all the available colors as well.
I spent a good hour trying to find this after being annoyed at how hard it was to see my edge selections on a white UV border. The slider for this is located in the color settings window (Window > Settings/Preferences > Color Settings) under the Active tab, Objects section, "Polygon surfaces."
The unfortunate bit about this specific color setting is it shares the color with any poly surface selections in your viewport that are not the Lead Object (just select 2 objects and you'll see what I mean).
I originally thought black was the perfect solution to my UV editing problems, but when I returned to modelling, the black-highlighted objects were a real distraction.
While I was messing around with color settings I also noticed that Index Palette 22 is actually not used for anything, and is such a close color to the other yellow index color that anything set to index 22 can just be set to the other yellow (17). This may be particularly useful for finding an acceptable color for your UVs and non-lead objects, as you can change the index color to anything you want by double-clicking on it. For my personal color scheme I found a light blue is a nice middle ground.